Irregular goings-on in GMO deregulation vote
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Belgium voted against its own government's position and Greece ignored its own scientific advisors
New GMOs: Freedom of choice for consumers, farmers must come before agrochemical lobby interests
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MEP Christophe Clergeau slams Council of the EU and EU Commission for imposing new GMOs
New genetic engineering in livestock: A critical review
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All "new GM" animals must be examined for intended and unintended effects to protect animals, health and nature – Testbiotech
EFSA proposal to weaken risk assessment for "new GM" animals threatens animal welfare
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GeneWatch UK says EFSA proposal fails to consider uncertainties and the precautionary principle
Significant insect resistance detected in GM maize with two Bt proteins in South Africa
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Comment by Third World Network
EU deregulation plan is unacceptable – German food industry group
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Consumers and food industry want labelling, says the German Association Food without Genetic Engineering (VLOG)
Economy beats science: Is the EU ready to deregulate NGT plants?
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Testbiotech and Biodynamic Federation respond to the EU vote for GMO deregulation
EU countries bring deregulation of new GMOs one step closer – but fight not over yet
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Corporate Europe Observatory and Greenpeace respond to today's vote
Big Ag prevails as EU ministers surrender to pressure
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"By allowing untested and unlabelled GM plants to be released into the environment and onto our plates, they are putting both people and nature at risk" – Save Our Seeds
"Shocking abandonment of consumers’ right to information" – association of non-GMO food/feed sector
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Parliament must defend its demand for traceability and labelling
EU ambassadors back new GMOs deregulation: A dark day for farmers, consumers, nature
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"EU governments have voted on the side of a handful of big corporations’ profits, instead of protecting farmers and consumers’ right to transparency and safety" – Friends of the Earth Europe
Argentina and Paraguay: Civil society organisations call for suspension of GM wheat
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Bioceres reports 24% drop in income
GMWatch submits comments on GMO deregulation secondary legislation to scrutiny committee
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Scientific foundation of "precision bred" status is lacking
GMO grapevines in Italy: Researchers mislead the public and the press
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As crop trashers target the vines, scientists leading trials hide their GMO status. By Claire Robinson
Civil society groups warn new Asilomar conference: Scientists must not be allowed to self-regulate
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Open statement says some technologies pose “existential threats” to humanity
New GMOs: Blocking minority holds firm in EU test vote
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Poland's efforts to push the file forward have failed so far
Joint letter to the EU Commission: Pseudo-science must not be an option for Europe!
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Groups demand that the Commission withdraw the proposal for deregulation of NGT plants
Poland's latest proposal on new GMOs/NGTs ignores farmers' rights
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Lack of obligation to publish detection methods for patented new GMOs will unleash patent infringement lawsuits on farmers
Asilomar déjà vu?
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What will be the significance of this month’s 50th anniversary meeting at the famed Pacific Grove conference centre in California? by Tina Stevens and Stuart A. Newman
GMO deregulation threatens breeders, farmers, and the organic and non GMO sectors in the EU
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Over 200 environmental and farmer groups warn that Poland's deregulation proposal ignores critical questions
Scientists slam New Zealand’s GMO deregulation push
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Proposals to exempt gene-edited organisms would be the most “extreme” in the world. Report: Claire Robinson
Convergence of generative AI and genetic engineering raises new concerns
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AI technologies now enable developers to even create "new-to-nature" proteins and organisms, which could pose previously unknown risks
There is no “magic threshold” for new GMO safety
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Number of mutations cannot determine safety of new GM plants
“Mirror life” microbes pose “unprecedented risk” to life on Earth
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Scientists call for halt on work to develop mirror bacteria that would evade immune response
New legal opinion: New GMOs deregulation proposal shifts safety testing, liability to EU food industry
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“Unbelievable but true: If a GMO in food causes harm, the food sector would be held liable” – Wolfgang Ahammer, Oils For Life