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List of articles in category 2004
Created Date
Angry French mow down GM crops
25 July 2004
Africa forges ahead with GM potatoes, etc.
25 July 2004
USDA hijacked by agribusiness - New report
24 July 2004
Spain looks again at GM crops
24 July 2004
Why GM is a hard sell in Africa
23 July 2004
Kenya embraces "biotech trees" from South Africa
23 July 2004
Call for ban on pharma crops
23 July 2004
The truth about the "NGOs" behind the "NGO letter to the FAO"
22 July 2004
Technology blunders - 900 farmers have committed suicide in India in just the past two months
22 July 2004
Suppression of science not an anomaly
22 July 2004
African agriculture under GM onslaught
22 July 2004
World will need GM food, warns expert
21 July 2004
Judicial inquiry needed into Health Canada firings
21 July 2004
How the FSA's "citizens' jury" was fixed / Monsanto PR agency involvement revealed
21 July 2004
GMO-free legislation publicly launched in Philippines (21/7/2004)
21 July 2004
Expert witnesses - Tim Lang and Michael Hart (21/7/2004)
21 July 2004
US turning Aids into big business/USAid = big business
20 July 2004
Payback: "We don't get mad. We get even." (20/7/2004)
20 July 2004
Dutch activists destroy 1,000 GM seed potatoes (20/7/2004)
20 July 2004
A new biotech PR group in the U.S. (20/7/2004)
20 July 2004
"Scientists and Scholars" Denounce Catholic Institute for International Relations over GM Crops" (20/7/2004)
20 July 2004
US dismay as EU halts GM - again (19/7/2004)
19 July 2004
Unnatural Acts / Questions over Schmeiser's Ruling (19/7/2004)
19 July 2004
Mountains of food ”¦Oceans of hunger (19/7/2004)
19 July 2004
GMOs will not solve hunger, but will make it worse! (19/7/2004)
19 July 2004
Coexistence research paper skews facts to support dubious conclusion
19 July 2004
Chemicals giant tries to touch our hearts (19/7/2004)
19 July 2004
South Africa must reject being GM pharm testing ground (16/7/2004)
16 July 2004
Puerto Rico's Massive Unregulated Biotech Harvest (16/7/2004)
16 July 2004
Pioneer illegally distribute GM seed in Croatia / Bayer to pay $66 million over price fixing (16/7/2004)
16 July 2004
GM drug critics sacked by Health Canada (16/7/2004)
16 July 2004
Funding and biases need to be exposed by journals and media
16 July 2004
Collusion and corruption in GM policy
16 July 2004
Biotech is a cancer in Argentina (16/7/2004)
16 July 2004
'Sound science': turning a deaf ear to reality (14/7/2004)
14 July 2004
Monsanto Gets OK to Sell Biotech Corn / Monsanto threatened Argentina (14/7/2004)
14 July 2004
Understanding public resentment towards biotech (13/7/2004)
13 July 2004
South Africa to become pharma testing ground (13/7/2004)
13 July 2004
Biotech investment busy going nowhere (13/7/2004)
13 July 2004
Subverting the Cartagena Protocol - Willy De Greef
12 July 2004
Pharma plants for UK and Europe! (12/7/2004)
12 July 2004
Concerns raised over GM 'pharming' (12/7/2004)
12 July 2004
BASF's GM division may quit Europe "because of the poor business outlook for the technology" (12/7/2004)
12 July 2004
"Duped" Indonesia wants to stop being a test lab for GM
12 July 2004
Monsanto Phasing Out GM Cattle Drug? / More GM 'cow' protests
11 July 2004
GM contamination of Mexican maize - great article
11 July 2004
CEI tears into senators (11/7/2004)
11 July 2004
Winegrowers declare war on GM grapes / Europeans Scoff at Bioengineered Beer (10/7/2004)
10 July 2004
FBI harrassment continues
10 July 2004
Pusztai on Royal Society and new report / Leaked document shows RS connection
09 July 2004
More on GM in SA
09 July 2004
Prof to be arraigned today
08 July 2004
Discussion on Sense About Science report - Danish scientist and GM Watch
08 July 2004
Archbishop of Canterbury attacks GM techno-utopianism
08 July 2004
What Wellcome told Tracey Brown - full text of leaked letter
07 July 2004
South African grain farmers oppose Monsanto maize / Royal Society coup at DfID / Protecting Indigenous Knowledge
07 July 2004
New Sense About Science report makes bogus claims
07 July 2004
GM wheat destroyed in Spain / Sainsbury’s misleading media over GM milk blockade
07 July 2004
Farm Genocide - The Killing Fields of the Green Revolution
07 July 2004
Sending GMOs to Starving People is 'Inhuman Aid'
06 July 2004
Nigerian Government urged to cancel GM agreement with United States
06 July 2004
Big cat mauls Avery over "NGO" letter to FAO
06 July 2004
Tractors in new GM milk protest / More on Anti-GM Blockade
05 July 2004
More Burke-Gibson duplicity
05 July 2004
How they fixed South Africa
05 July 2004
Gibson admits collusion with Burke
05 July 2004
"Nobody will plant GM plants in Germany" - farmers' leader
05 July 2004
GM research collapses in UK - or does it?
04 July 2004
Catholic Institute for International Relations attacks FAO / Resistance to GM takes root in the Philippines
04 July 2004
Burke's opinions based in ignorance, research shows
04 July 2004
AfricaBio exposed as biotech industry lobby group
04 July 2004
National supermarket blockade over GM animal feed
02 July 2004
More on GM question time and those behind it
02 July 2004
Child labour and corporate seed farm scandal continues
02 July 2004
Agro-imperialism - Green Revolution to biotechnology
02 July 2004
Starlink saga still goes on / What the Starlink fiasco tells us
01 July 2004
Lord Dick & his techo-jackboots win PANTS ON FIRE AWARD
01 July 2004
Firm shuts GM crop project - final nail in the coffin for GM research in Britain
01 July 2004
Direct action OK against GM says Green Party
01 July 2004
Africa - the new frontier for the GE industry - important article
01 July 2004
Syngenta to move its labs to US
30 June 2004
Rice yields dip as planet warms
30 June 2004
Professor Berry exposed - Few studies on GM food (30/6/2004)
30 June 2004
India and US to cooperate in agricultural biotechnology / Reading, writing and Roundup Ready (30/6/2004)
30 June 2004
GM pesticide “secrets” to go public as Bayer drops court case (30/6/2004)
30 June 2004
A European vision for plant biotechnology towards 2025 (30/6/2004)
30 June 2004
"Bioterror” charges downgraded to “mail fraud” in stealth indictment (30/6/2004)
30 June 2004
U.S. Imposes New Limits on Scientists (29/6/2004)
29 June 2004
Lobby assault on UK Parliament (29/6/2004)
29 June 2004
Caught in the Matrix (29/6/2004)
29 June 2004
Thailand/El Salvador/India/Malta/Malaysia/Africa (28/6/2004)
28 June 2004
More shoddy science in GM approval (28/6/2004)
28 June 2004
Monsanto GM maize not authorised by EU Commission / GM exodus from Germany?
28 June 2004
It's pest-proof - non-GM cotton varieties (28/6/2004)
28 June 2004
It's already in the fridge (28/6/2004)
28 June 2004
Activists putting children's lives at risk say Kendra & co. (28/6/2004)
28 June 2004
Meacher - GM food is heading for your fridge / Michael Meacher meets scientists (25/6/2004)
25 June 2004
Tax scam / Bayer deaths / PhRMA lobbyist goes to BIO (24/6/2004)
24 June 2004
Study shows lack of research into GM health effects (24/6/2004)
24 June 2004
Protesters fell GM tree study - 400 GM beeches destroyed (24/6/2004)
24 June 2004
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