Here's a list, ordered by year, of some of the non-GM successes we have come across. They include allergen-free peanuts, striga-resistant cowpeas, salt-resistant wheat, beta-carotene rich sweet potatoes, virus-resistant cassavas – exactly the kind of developments that GM is typically claimed to be necessary to achieve.
High yield non-GM rice emits 70% less methane (March 2025)
Company unveils game-changing non-GMO seed that could solve growing global crisis: 'Revolutionary benefits' (December 2024)
Seed company Corteva Inc. has developed a non-GM hybrid wheat seed that could increase grain yields by 10%. Corteva said its new wheat seed requires no extra land or resources and could yield up to 20% more than "elite" crops in areas facing water scarcity, according to an initial trial.
Corteva unveils "breakthrough" in non-GMO drought-resistant wheat (November 2024)
A new seed hybrid has the potential to increase yields by 10% and represents one of the first major innovations for the crop in decades.
New red beers are healthier than normal pints, says Carlsberg (August 2024)
"A crimson beer made from red barley has been created that is healthier and tastier than normal pints, according to brewers. Scientists at beer giant Carlsberg have created 'crossover' beers that are imbued with the colourful chemicals found in wines that have been linked to a host of health benefits. The experimental lager is less bitter and contains fewer hops than normal beer thanks to the addition of anthocyanins, chemicals in grape skins that make wine red... Red barley is not made by gene-editing but with specialised natural cross-breeding using techniques developed as part of the Carlsberg Research Laboratory’s own technology, dubbed Find-It, which allows scientists to identify desirable genes in other plants and then breed them into barley to create new varieties." [GMW comment: They are referring to marker assisted selection, a biotechnology that doesn't result in a GMO.]
Researchers at the James Hutton Institute in the UK develop potato cyst nematode-resistant potatoes (September 2024)
The potato cyst nematode-resistant potatoes were developed using marker assisted selection, a biotechnology that doesn't result in a GMO. (Coverage starts at 08:25 mins in the BBC recording; there's also an article here.)
Major breakthrough: PAU develops leaf curl virus-resistant breeding lines for cotton crop (Aug 2024)
In a breakthrough for the cotton crop cultivation, the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, has successfully developed virus-resistant breeding lines against the Cotton Leaf Curl Disease (CLCuD) by utilising a wild cotton species, Gossypium armourianum.
Drought- and disease-tolerant and high yielding wheat and barley varieties (May 2024)
Using breeding with marker assisted selection, researchers have developed widely adapted and high yielding wheat genotypes with resistance to major biotic (diseases and insects) and abiotic (drought and heat) stresses in sub-Saharan Africa and the Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region. Climate-smart barley varieties have also been developed. See also this.
Non-GM drought-resistant potatoes in Peru (October 2023)
In Peru, researchers are breeding drought-resistant potato varieties. They use genes from wild potato species so that cultivated potatoes can cope better with drought. Breeding researchers have already developed the first drought-resistant new varieties.
The seed guardians of Peru trying to save the potato (October 2023)
Indigenous potatoes can help to ensure our commercial potato crops can adapt to the challenges of climate change.
Vegetables in your future: Hot-weather cherries, drought-resistant melons and six other crops in the works that could change how we eat in a fast-warming world (September 2023)
All these crops, with the exception of the Pairwise ones, appear to be obtained by conventional breeding.
Researchers breed non-GM frost-resistant potato (September 2023)
Broccoli "super soup" may help keep type 2 diabetes at bay (May 2023)
A company called Smarter Food has developed a new strain of broccoli, GRextra, which contains high levels of glucoraphanin and sulforaphane, compounds that the company says can help lower elevated blood glucose levels.
High-zinc rice developed through cross-breeding (April 2023)
Improvement of the micronutrient content of rice through a cross-breeding approach has been successful for zinc. High-zinc rice varieties for different rice ecosystems, including irrigated lowland, upland, and swampy areas, have been developed and have the potential to be used for biofortification to reduce stunting prevalence.
New breeding program produces non-GMO purple tomatoes with high anthocyanin content (April 2023)
Rice-animal co-culture farming increases yields, cuts pesticide use (April 2023)
Rice-animal co-culture farming (e.g., rice-fish, rice-duck, and rice-crayfish), an ancient SE Asian practice, increases rice yields, cuts pesticide use and reduces nitrogen runoff, leaching, and methane emissions compared to monoculture farming.
Strong start for YOOM Black Cocktail tomato production (April 2023)
These tomatoes are the colour of black pearl on the outside, with a deep scarlet colour on the inside, and have savory umami flavour. They also contain high levels of anthocyanins.
Israeli scientists develop drought-resistant tomatoes in response to climate change (March 2023)
Scientists map genome of non-GM drought-tolerant maize (February 2023)
Scientists have mapped the genome of a conventionally bred drought-tolerant maize variety. Many genes were found to be involved in the trait, meaning it is genetically complex, though the researchers flag up one gene in particular, called ZmRtn16. This is an example of a complex trait (drought tolerance) with many gene functions at its basis, meaning that it is beyond what genetic modification can accomplish. GM techniques are restricted to manipulating one or a few genes at a time.
Weed- and insect-resistant, high yield sweet potato (January 2023)
Developed by breeding and selection. USDA press release is here.
New tomato bred to naturally resist pests and curb disease (January 2023)
A Cornell researcher has completed a decades-long program to develop new varieties of tomato that naturally resist pests and limit transfer of viral disease by insects.
Jabal: The new wheat scientists say can withstand extreme heat and drought (December 2022)
A new drought-tolerant variety of durum wheat has been created as part of an international breeding programme to boost climate resilience in the food system by increasing crop diversity.
ARS releases winter peas for human food (December 2022)
The three varieties of winter peas have the following prized qualities: 1) high protein levels with a nearly complete amino acid profile; 2) peas lack the allergens common in soybeans and peanuts, which are often the supplier of protein; 3) a favorable, low glycemic index number; and 4) winter peas are not genetically modified; all of their development is done with traditional breeding.
Diet for a hotter climate: Five plants that could help feed the world (August 2022)
As the planet warms, these five drought-tolerant and highly nutritious crops offer hope for greater resiliency (not one relies on GM for its drought tolerance)
Nyota Iron Bean is Kenya's "shining star" for better nutrition (June 2022)
Ground-durable and drought-tolerant eucalyptus trees (June 2022)
The NZ Dryland Forests Initiative is using conventional breeding to develop eucalyptus trees that are ground-durable (resistant to rotting or being eaten by insects when it is in the ground, such as in fencing, house timbers and decking) and drought-tolerant. In June 2022 the project manager confirmed to a member of the public that they are not using GM.
Wheat yields boosted and protein content increased by up to 25%: study
Researchers working to identify genes that control the development of bread wheat "spikelets" have unexpectedly discovered a potential way to increase protein content by up to 25%, without the trade-off of reduced yield.
An aromatic tomato could be looming – a la heirloom varieties, say UF scientists (March 2022)
Get more iron and flavour out of your beans (October 2021). Also see: The Manteca Yellow Bean: A genetic resource of fast cooking and high iron bioavailability phenotypes for the next generation of Andean dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (2018)
New high oleic soybean trait is a functional, sustainable, and non-GMO way to provide healthier oil (Aug 2021)
Conventional breeding produces non-GM virus-resistant tomatoes (May 2021)
OSU releases new, antioxidant-rich purple tomato (April 2021)
The new Oregon State University-developed tomato Midnight Roma follows in the steps of 10-year-old Indigo Rose, the first antioxidant-rich purple tomato available on the market.
New zinc-fortified wheat set for global expansion to combat malnutrition (April 2021)
This Hyderabad farmer has won a patent for Vitamin D-enriched rice and wheat (February 2021)
(This is an applied nurtients approach rather than a breeding success)
Nutritionally superior non-GMO barley rolled out on European market (July 2020)
Field trials find organic bean varieties sustainable, high-yielding and disease-resistant (April 2020)
Planting hope: the Syrian refugee who developed virus-resistant super-seeds (March 2020)
Saving the banana: New black Sigatoka resistant variety developed (February 2020)
New CTV-resistant citrus groves produce high-quality fruits (Nov 2019)
Low-gluten wheat alternative ‘miracle grain’ presents ‘clear market opportunity’ (June 2019)
More nutritious, natural flavour, non-GMO provitamin A-enhanced "orange corn" launches in US markets (February 2019)
"Sea rice": As genetic modification struggles, crossbreeding succeeds (October 2018)
New varieties rescue wheat crop in drought conditions (September 2017)
Solynta develops non-GMO late blight-resistant potato varieties (August 2017)
Corn lines resist fungal toxins (May 2017)
Corn germplasm lines developed by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are scoring high marks in field trials for resistance to aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus fungi.
Non-browning non-GMO apples available (February 2017)
Vitamin A orange maize improves night vision (October 2016)
Cassava disease control underway (July 2016)
How the humble orange sweet potato won researchers the World Food Prize (June 2016)
Non-GMO sweet potatoes for Africa are rich in beta-carotene, a vitamin A precursor.
Purple potato packs a health punch (May 2016)
Non-GM blight-resistant potatoes performing well (April 2016)
Beer brewers toast Australian gluten-free barley (April 2016)
Tanzanian rice swells yield from salty soil (March 2016)
Major company shows interest in “super pea” (March 2016)
Non-GMO purple potatoes offer fresh sales opportunity (December 2015)
Novel omega-3-rich crop launched in the UK (October 2015)
Peas that will help animals absorb more protein from their diet (August 2015)
Natural rubber from dandelions (June 2015)
Scientists have created new variety of low-allergenic soybean – and it’s non-GMO (May 2015)
Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry (April 2015)
Development of vitamin A biofortified maize through molecular breeding (March 2015)
Opal Apple: Non-browning, non-GMO alternative to GMO apple (March 2015)
Washington State University develops non-GMO, non-browning apple alternative (January 2014)
Perennial rice: In search of a greener, hardier staple crop (March 2015)
Suntava non-GMO purple corn packs nutritional punch (February 2015)
Magic mash: reducing child malnutrition with sweet potatoes (February 2015)
Research finds salt tolerance gene in soybean (January 2015)
Associate Professor Gilliham said, “We can now use this information to find similar genes in different crops such as wheat and grapevine, to selectively breed for their enhanced salt tolerance.”
Could “salt potatoes” create a food revolution? (video) (January 2015)
Blight-resistant potato trial a resounding success (video) (2014)
USDA scientists develop anthocyanin-rich red and purple potatoes – and they're available now (December 2014)
“Green Super Rice” is saline-tolerant, drought-tolerant, disease-resistant, and high-yielding without the use of fertilisers and pesticides (November 2014)
Salt tolerant potato poised to launch a world food revolution (October 2014)
Natural gene selection can produce orange corn rich in provitamin A for Africa, US (October 2014)
Non-GM beta-carotene-enriched bananas have long been available – the GM version is an example of biopiracy (October 2014)
Cross-bred crops get fit faster: Genetic engineering lags behind conventional breeding in efforts to create drought-resistant maize (September 2014)
Breeding programme identifies drought-tolerant soybean lines – study (August 2014)
Researchers say they have invented non-allergenic peanuts (August 2014)
Purple "anti-ageing" tomatoes available in British supermarkets (May 2014)
Non-GM potatoes resist potato cyst nematode (PCN) and late blight (April 2014)
Drought tolerant maize varieties ready (January 2014)
Washington State University develops non-GMO, non-browning apple alternative (January 2014)
New disease-resistant pea lines developed (November 2013)
Rainbow-coloured corn bred from old varieties (October 2013)
Rice gene discovered that triples yields in drought (August 2013) – GM was used as a research tool but the end-product rice was developed using marker assisted selection (MAS)
Hybrid crops without the GM – to resist effects of climate change and give higher yield (August 2013)
University of Arkansas releases two non-GMO disease-resistant and sudden death syndrome-resistant soybeans (July 2013)
High-iron biofortified pearl millet released in India (July 2013)
Striga-resistant maize developed by Kenyan scientist (May 2013)
New generation high-yield rice varieties unveiled for Africa (May 2013)
Orange maize improves yields and nutrition for families in Zambia (April 2013)
Early-maturing maize lines hold drought-tolerance that could save farmers in Africa (April 2013)
Wild parent spawns super salt-tolerant rice (April 2013)
Baby rice plant may be breakthrough in salty farming (April 2013)
New salt-tolerant rice strain could help in fight for food security (April 2013)
Disease-resistant Napier grass (fodder crop) for African farmers (April 2013)
Low arsenic rice discovered in Bangladesh could have major health benefits (February 2013)
Zambian farmers excited about prospects of safer crops with aflasafe[™] (February 2013)
Saving lives in Africa with the humble sweet potato (August 2012)
Malaysian scientists develop high yielding non-GM red rice with low glycaemic index for diabetics (April 2012)
New non-GM wheat variety tolerant to virulent Ug99 fungus - good yields too (April 2012)
Drought-tolerant maize wins 2012 UK Climate Week Award (March 2012)
Purple anthocyanin-rich anti-cancer tomato – seeds are actually on the market (January 2012)
Orange beta carotene-enriched sweet potato a hit in Mozambique (November 2011)
Non-GM anti-cancer purple tomato (December 2011)
Australian researchers develop non-GM wheat lines resistant to crown rot (November 2011)
Purple, orange, white, yellow and cream carrots that are crunchier and sweeter than orange ones (October 2011)
Super-broccoli with high levels of chemicals credited with warding off cancer, health problems (October 2011)
Researchers develop non-GM papaya resistant to ringspot virus (September 2011)
"Extended life" rice could quadruple yields, cut costs (September 2011)
Disease-resistant coffee stuck in Ugandan labs for lack of funding (May 2011)
Dow launches drought-resistant corn (January 2011)
Australian non-GM high-yield maize lines to target Asian markets (April 2011)
High-iron pearl millet update (August 2011)
Studying genes may lead to higher yield, sustainable oil palms (April 2011)
Two disease-resistant and food manufacturer-friendly potato varieties released (February 2011)
"Push-pull" pest control to reach more African farmers (April 2011)
Orange sweet potatoes not just for Africa (August 2011)
New not-so-sweet potato resists pests and disease (June 2011)
"Super-rice" – bred for high yield, disease-resistance, etc. (January 2011)
'Super wheat' resists devastating rust / Scientists: 'Super' wheat to boost food security (June 2011)
Fusarium head blight resistant wheat bred from Chinese cultivar (June 2011)
Scuba rice: breeding flood tolerance into Asia's local mega rice varieties (2010)
Syngenta launches drought-resistant corn (December 2010)
Non-GM beta-carotene enriched orange maize (September 2010)
Designed to help vitamin A deficiency. Study on this maize:
Vitamin A equivalence of the β-carotene in β-carotene–biofortified maize porridge consumed by women. Shanshan Li, Angela Nugroho, Torbert Rocheford and Wendy S White. 2010. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Aflatoxin-resistant maize lines developed by US scientists (September 2010)
Corn lines resist aflatoxins (September 2010)
Drought-tolerant maize to benefit Africa (August 2010)
Report on the maize:
Potential impact of investments in drought tolerant maize in Africa. La Rovere, R., G. Kostandini, T. Abdoulaye, J. Dixon, W. Mwangi, Z. Guo, and M. Bänziger. 2010. CIMMYT, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Researchers develop non-GM papaya resistant to ringspot virus (July 2010)
Despite claims that only GM could deliver this, researchers have developed a papaya resistant to ringspot virus through conventional breeding. The researchers comment, "Application of these results should lead to restoration of the papaya industry in virus-infested regions of the Philippines and worldwide." GM proponents have repeatedly promoted GM ringspot virus-resistant papayas as the only solution to the problem.
Organic farmer develops aphid-resistant soybeans (August 2010)
Swiss develop healthier, more digestible soybean (December 2010)
Beta carotene-enriched sweet potato already improving health, self-sufficiency in Solomon Islands (July 2010)
Marker assisted selection used to develop wheat streak mosaic virus-resistant wheat (August 2010)
Study on the wheat: A dominant gene for resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus in winter wheat line CO960293-2. Lu, Huangjun, Jacob Price, J. Rudd, R. Devkota, and C. Rush. 2011. Crop Sci 5: 5–12.
Insect- and pest-resistant super wheat (August 2010)
Late blight resistant non-GM potato improves Andean smallholders’ production (June 2010)
Blight-resistant potato means no need for GM (June 2010)
Making Kenyan maize safe from deadly aflatoxins with non-GM biocontrol (June 2010)
Natural, safe, cost-effective
Africa: researchers start to develop non-GM striga resistant sorghum (June 2010)
US scientists develop non-GM low-allergy peanuts (June 2010)
Scientists in the US are developing "low-allergy" peanuts, offering hope to thousands of people with allergies associated with the popular seed.
Drought-tolerant and striga-resistant non-GM maize released in Ghana (April 2010)
Ghana has released four Quality Protein Maize varieties tolerant of drought and resistant to striga hermontica - a parasitic weed that reduces maize yield - to farmers to boost maize production in drought-prone areas of the country.
Salt-tolerant non-GM wheat developed in Australia (April 2010)
CSIRO researchers have developed a salt tolerant durum wheat that yields 25 per cent more grain than the parent variety in saline soils.
US scientists develop non-GM high-yielding tomato (March 2010)
A mutation in a single gene turned hybrid tomato plants into super producers capable of generating more and much sweeter fruit without genetic engineering.
High yielding, multi-disease resistant, non-GM bean success in Rwanda (February 2010)
An excellent example of the success of traditional plant breeding practices - multi-disease resistant, very high yielding, no mention of GM and apparently freely distributed without IP ties. What would the GM lobby give for one good success story like this?
USDA scientists to release non-GM drought-resistant soybean line (February 2010)
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service plant geneticist Tommy Carter, Ph.D., and his team of researchers plan to soon release a soybean breeding line offering drought-tolerant traits.
Non-GM drought-tolerant pigeon peas released in Kenya (February 2010)
Faced with increasingly unreliable rains, farmers in Kenya's eastern district of Mbeere South have started growing drought-tolerant crops to meet their food and subsistence needs instead of the staple maize.
Scientists closer to developing dual-resistance non-GM cassava (August 2009)
IITA scientists are a step closer to making a breakthrough in developing cassava that is resistant to both the Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) and the Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD).
Farmers in rain-deficit Gujarat (India) opt for non-Bt cotton (September 2009)
When India is moving toward 100 per cent Bt cotton regime, some winds of change has been seen in Gujarat, the leading cotton producer in the country. Due to the deficient monsoon, farmers have taken to cotton over rain-fed crops like groundnut, to the extent that the area under cotton cultivation has increased by nearly two lakh hectares. Significantly, it’s the conventional (non-Bt) cotton varieties and not the Bt cotton variety that have caught the attention of farmers this season.
UK scientists breed non-GM purple potato (January 2009)
They have remained an unchanging staple of the British diet for generations with hardly a nod to more health-conscious consumers. But scientists may now have come up with the perfect chip, which not only tastes good, but could prolong your life.
German potato breeder launches non-GM high amylopectin potatoes (September 2009)
Starch from these potatoes contains a substance called amylopectin that will be used in food, paper, adhesives, textiles and building applications.
Cibus Global to develop non-GM herbicide tolerant potatoes (December 2009)
A global biotech firm has announced plans to use its patented technology to develop potatoes more tolerant of certain herbicides and less susceptible to blackspot bruise.
US scientists breed non-GM scab-resistant apple (January 2009)
A new, late-ripening apple named WineCrisp which carries a gene for scab resistance was developed over the past 20 plus years through classical breeding techniques, not genetic engineering. License to propagate trees will be made available to nurseries through the University of Illinois.
US researchers develop pest-resistant pepper (September 2009)
A new red-fruited habanero is the latest pepper with resistance to root-knot nematodes to be released by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.
US scientists develop pest-resistant chickpea (August 2009)
Chickpeas, high in protein, fiber and other nutrients, are important legume crops the world over. But humans aren't the only consumers: the larval stage of the beet armyworm moth likes to eat the crop's leaves. But new lines of resistant chickpeas developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their collaborators could put the kibosh on this crop-damaging pest's voracious appetite, and potentially save on chemical insecticides used to fight it.
Uganda: new drought-tolerant non-GM rice variety (October 2009)
Flood-resistant non-GM rice (February 2009)
At the Philippines-based International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), scientists have developed a rice variety with high tolerance to submersion under water for extended periods.
New non-GM rice strain could help atopic dermatitis and diabetes (December 2009)
The rice contains highly concentrated Cyanidin-3-Glucoside or C3G which is known to ease symptoms of atopic dermatitis and diabetes.
Canadian farmers opposed to GM wheat: survey (June 2009)
Canadian farmers oppose the introduction of genetically modified wheat until market conditions change, a Canadian Wheat Board survey has found.
Syngenta not actively pursuing biotech wheat (Feb 2009)
Syngenta AG, the world's largest agrochemical group, is not actively pursuing genetically modified wheat because of consumer resistance, Chief Executive Michael Mack told Reuters on Thursday.
Dow AgroSciences, World Wide Wheat agree to collaborate on non-GM wheat (June 2009)
Dow AgroSciences announced today a collaboration agreement for the development and commercialization of advanced germplasm and traits in wheat.
Significant progress in developing non-GM wheat resistance against Ug99 stem rust (March 2009)
More US farmers planting non-GM soybeans in 2009 (March 2009)
For the first time since 1996, acres of Roundup Ready genetically modified soybeans could drop as more farmers decide to plant non-GMO.
US non-GMO soybean acreage increased by 1 million in 2009 (July/August 2009)
US farmers planted one million more acres of non-GMO soybeans in 2009 than 2008, increasing to 6.97 million acres compared to 5.96 million acres the previous year.
New US non-GM soybean breeding program (November 2009)
Growing demand for soybeans that have not been altered genetically has led to a fork in the road for the bean-breeding program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Exporting non-GE soybeans from Ohio (USA) is expanding business (September 2009)
US scientists develop non-GE soybean line resisting key nematode (December 2009)
Enough non-GM beet seed available in the USA (November, 2009)
Farmers still hope to plant Roundup Ready sugar beets next year, but if a federal judge bans their use there might be enough conventional beet seed stockpiled in the United States to get by for a year.
eMerge Genetics (USA) launches ”non-GMO revolution” (April 2009)
eMerge Genetics aims to develop high-quality soybean varieties for food use to meet growing demand for non-GM soybeans in US and overseas .
Modern non-GM breeding “has a brilliant future” – Newsweek (June 2009)
The world's biggest biotech corporations have deployed the latest in genetic science to pump up yield, ward off crop disease, make food more nutritious and fundamentally reengineer what we plant and eat, and no one is complaining.
Marker assisted breeding a ’safe alternative’ to IRRI’s GMO rice program (November 2009)
Greenpeace called on the International Rice Research Institute to abandon its genetic engineering program as the environmental activist group offers marker assisted breeding as a safe alternative to bioengineering.
Midwest farmers grow aphid-resistant soybean (August 2009)
Virus-resistant snap beans in pipeline (August 2009)
Biggest Brazil soy state loses taste for GM soy seed (March 2009)
Farmers in Brazil's Mato Grosso, the country's top soy state, are shunning once-heralded, genetically modified soy varieties in favor of conventional seeds after the hi-tech type showed poor yields.
High beta-carotene non-GM tomatoes for West Africa (March 2009)
The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center - The World Vegetable Center has released the results of the evaluation of 20 tomato lines for adoption in West Africa. The testing was a part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded project on Vegetable Breeding and Seed Systems for Poverty Alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa.
IITA releases non-GM high-yielding Striga-resistant cowpeas (March 2009)
Resource-poor cowpea farmers in sub-Saharan Africa have seen their profits jump by 55 per cent thanks to improved dual-purpose cowpea varieties developed and introduced by IITA and its national partners in Nigeria. Paul Amaza, IITA Agricultural Economist, says that farmers who use traditional varieties earn about US$ 251 per hectare, while those who are growing the improved cowpea are getting US$390, or US$139 more, per hectare with proper crop management.
West Africans hope to produce iron-tolerant non-GM rice (March 2009)
Agricultural researchers in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea and Nigeria and are preparing field tests on some 80 varieties of rice designed to survive – and even thrive – in the iron-rich soils of West Africa.
Brazil to debut non-GM rust-resistant soy (May 2009)
Brazil is set to begin commercial planting of a soybean variety with a gene that makes it resistant to the devastating Asian rust fungus, which is beginning to develop tolerance to conventional fungicides.
Non-GM corn offers solution to modern climate challenges (April 2009)
One solution to the challenges of feeding the world may come – not from the labs of genetic engineers – but from the timeless wisdom of Native Americans and a dedicated corn breeder from Montana.
Ugandan scientists announce development of wilt resistant non-GE coffee varieties (April 2009)
Twelve years ago, Coffee Research Centre (COREC) scientists embarked on developing a coffee variety resistant to the Coffee Wilt Disease (CWD), which attacks Robusta coffee. Today, they report a major breakthrough in the variety’s development. A total of 24 lines of Curtimors (dwarf coffee) are now under final field tests before they are released to farmers.
US researchers develop non-GM pest-resistant potato (March 2009)
Despite their microscopic size, Columbia root-knot nematodes (CRN) have potential to inflict huge losses—about $40 million annually—by tunneling into potatoes to feed. But this level of loss isn’t likely to happen, thanks to fumigants growers now use—at a cost of $20 million annually.
Nigeria to roll out fungus-resistant non-GM soybean crops (August 2009)
A variety of soybean resistant to a devastating Asian rust will soon be widely available in West and Central Africa. The rust, a fungal disease that entered Africa in 1996, can wipe out 80 per cent of infected crops.
USDA scientists release lettuce resistant to bacterial leaf-spot (April 2009)
Seven new iceberg lettuce breeding lines with resistance to bacterial leaf spot (BLS) have been released by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.
USDA scientists release lettuce resistant to corky root disease (June 2009)
Three new leaf lettuce breeding lines with resistance to corky root, a serious disease of lettuce, have been released by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
USDA scientists develop drought-resistant lawn/pasture grass (August 2009)
More than 50 new non-GM drought-tolerant maize varieties released for African farmers (April 2009)
Sub-Saharan Africa needs concerted efforts to improve the production of maize, its most important cereal. Two Centers supported by the CGIAR — the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) — have found a way to achieve precisely that.
African scientists announce non-GM breakthrough in battle against aflatoxin ( May 2009)
Scientists of the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), Kenya, the United States Department for Agriculture (USDA) and International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA, Nigeria, have developed a safe and natural method that could drastically cut aflatoxin contamination in African food crops by as much as 99 per cent.
Non-GM method to control aflatoxin in maize works well in Nigeria (June 2009)
The elimination of deadly aflatoxin, which contaminates food crops in Sub-Saharan Africa, is a step closer now scientists have shown that a control method works well in large-scale field trials.
Novel upland non-GM drought-tolerant rice variety released in Jharkhand, India (May 2009)
A novel upland rice variety, Birsa Vikas Dhan 111 (PY 84), has recently been released in the Indian state of Jharkhand. It was bred using marker-assisted backcrossing with selection for multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) for improved root growth to improve its performance under drought conditions. It is an early maturing, drought tolerant and high yielding variety with good grain quality suitable for the direct seeded uplands and transplanted medium lands of Eastern India.
Breeder of non-GM drought-tolerant and striga-resistant sorghum wins World Food Price (2009)
The 2009 World Food Prize was awarded to Dr Gebisa Ejeta of Ethiopia, whose sorghum hybrids resistant to drought and the devastating Striga weed increased the production and availability of one of the world’s five principal grains and enhanced the food supply of hundreds of millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa.
African farmers develop new type of rice well-adapted to poor soils (July 2009)
Rice farmers in West Africa have developed a new type of rice in the last few years, Wageningen researchers have found out. This has come about through spontaneous cross-breeding in the field between African and Asian rice cultivars.
ICRISAT develops climate change-ready varieties (June 2009)
When the world gets warmer with climate change, the dryland tracts will become even drier, making it more difficult for the farmers to grow crops in this region. The improved crops developed by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Icrisat) and partners are able to withstand severe droughts, tolerate higher temperatures and mature early, enabling the farmers to be ready to meet the challenges of climate change.
Arcadia Biosciences develops non-GM herbicide-tolerant wheat technology (January 2008)
Arcadia Biosciences, Inc. announced it has reached a research and commercial development agreement with Targeted Growth, Inc. (TGI) for the development of herbicide-tolerant wheat.
Conventional soybeans offer high yield at lower cost (September 2008)
Conventional soybean varieties are making a comeback. Lower seed and weed-control costs, price incentives at the grain elevator and yields that rival Roundup Ready beans have renewed interest in conventional varieties, said Grover Shannon, an agronomist at the University of Missouri Delta Research Center in the Missouri Bootheel.
Non-GM virus resistant cassava benefits 1.65 million people in Africa (November 2008)
IITA (Nigeria) launches new non-GM striga-resistant maize varieties (December 2008)
Maize farmers in West and Central Africa (WCA) could soon enjoy increased harvests and reduced crop losses due to Striga with the introduction of two new resistant varieties — TZLComp1Syn W-1 (Sammaz 16) and IWDC2SynF2 (Sammaz 15) — developed by IITA in partnership with the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Zaria, Nigeria.
Non-pesticide, non-GM cotton pest management success in India (June 2007)
A relatively low-tech approach to managing pests promises to help hundreds of thousands of cotton farmers across Asia raise yields and reduce environmental contamination.
UK: Non-GM crop science gets GBP13m boost (January 2007)
UK crop scientists have been awarded a GBP13.3m boost in funding to carry out research aimed at delivering benefits for farmers and consumers. Researchers say they will not be producing GM crops. Prof David Pink, from Warwick HRI, University of Warwick, whose team has been awarded GBP500,000 to identify genes in broccoli that will extend its shelf life and maintain its nutritional value for longer, said, "We are not going down that [GM] route because GM is not acceptable at the moment, and not acceptable to our plant breeding partner."
Non-GM drought-resistant rice in pipeline (August 2007)
Japanese researchers have made progress in breeding non-GM drought-resistant rice, intended for planting in Africa and other dry regions.
GM drought tolerant maize way behind non-GM (June 2007)
During March 2007, the South African authorities gave Monsanto permission to conduct GM drought tolerant maize field trials in South Africa. The African Centre for Biosafety released a report on the issue, pointing out that drought tolerance is at least 8-10 years away from commercialisation. Nevertheless, GM drought tolerant crops are being used as PR tools by biotech lobbyists to promote acceptance of GM crops, expand existing markets and develop new markets. Finally, the report points out that traditional breeding, marker assisted selection, and building up organic content of the soil are proven methods of dealing with drought.
Philippines new non-GM drought-resistant corn (October 2007)
A Philippines scientist has developed a new non-GM corn variety that was able to survive a drought for 29 days.
Indigenous rice better than GM for dealing with stress (October 2007)
A New Delhi-based NGO, together with farmers from nine Indian states, has developed a register documenting over 2,000 indigenous rice varieties. They say GM rice strains are not only costly to cultivate but also are a poor match to the native strains in fighting pests, diseases and environmental fluctuations.
Body blow to grain borer (October 2007)
The larger grain borer is taking a beating from CIMMYT (Internation Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre) breeders in Kenya as a new non-GM African maize withstands the onslaught of one of the most damaging pests.
Non-GM process for allergen-free peanuts (July 2007)
n agricultural researcher at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University has developed a simple process to make allergen-free peanuts. The new process – believed to be a first for food science – could provide relief to millions of peanut allergy sufferers, and be an enormous boon to the entire peanut industry.
Non-GM approach to Striga-resistant cowpeas in Africa (July 2007)
U.Va. biologist Michael Timko helps Africans breed disease-resistant plant.
Non-GM virus-resistant cassava for East and Central Africa (June 2007)
Efforts by the Crop Crisis Control Project (C3P) to mitigate the effects of cassava mosaic virus disease and banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) in six countries of East and Central Africa are impacting positively on the lives of thousands of farmers in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Non-GM technology reduces aflatoxins in maize in Nigeria (July/August 2007)
Scientists at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) have developed a safe and effective method for biological control of aflatoxins. These are toxic chemicals of fungal origin, which contaminate maize and other major food crops, posing a chronic threat to human health in sub-Saharan Africa.
Iron-fortified non-GM maize cuts anaemia rates in children (May 2007)
Fortifying cereals with a type of iron supplement reduces anaemia, iron-deficiency anaemia and general iron deficiency in children in developing countries, according to new research.
Austro-Indian non-GM research cuts 50% of cotton insecticides, adds 75% profitability (June 2007)
A relatively low-tech approach to managing pests promises to help hundreds of thousands of cotton farmers across Asia raise yields and reduce environmental contamination.
Molecular marker research could feed the world without GM (October 2007)
The work of a Kansas State University professor is challenging the assumption that genetically engineered plants are the great scientific and technological revolution in agriculture and the only efficient and cheap way to feed a growing population.
New non-GM drought-resistant corn (October 2007)
For an ordinary farmer, only a miracle can make a corn plant survive for almost a month under an unusually intense heat and without a single drop of water. But a scientific breakthrough practically made that history after local farmers here witnessed for themselves how a new corn variety developed by a local biotechnology company was able to survive a drought for 29 straight days.
Dutch researcher bred non-GM fungi-resistant tomato (March 2007)
Tomato growers are likely to soon be able to cultivate new tomato varieties without having to use pesticides against grey mould (Botrytis cinerea). This is the conclusion of the STW-sponsored thesis by Richard Finkers from Wageningen University, with which he hopes to earn his doctorate on 3 April 2007. Finkers designed highly efficient methods whereby tomato varieties can be resistant to grey mould. The leading company De Ruiter Seeds is already applying these methods in its breeding programme.
Texas-sized sorghum: New non-GM solution for fuel? (April 2007)
Big Sorghum is moving up on Big Oil in Texas. Ten-foot tall stalks of bioenergy sorghum, planted on thousands of acres, could march across Texas just as oil derricks once did, replacing black gold with green gold.
Non-GM tomatoes made to drink less water (May 2007)
Biofuels derived from plant cellulose - found in the tall sorghum among other biomass alternatives - offers an energy future that is at once sustainable, environmentally responsible, and just around the corner.
Non-GM rice with bacterial leaf blight-resistance genes developed (April 2007)
Non-GM solution found for cassava root-rot devastation in Africa (April 2007)
U.S. grape researcher breeds non-GM vines resistant to Pierce's Disease (April 2007)
Vinifera vines crossbred with resistant American species may someday yield good-tasting wines, but are better for blending for now.
Non-GM method to produce virus-resistant brassica crops (November 2007)
cientists have identified a new way to breed brassicas, which include broccoli, cabbage and oilseed rape, resistant to a damaging virus.
High-yielding, soybean cyst nematodes-resistant non-GM soybeans (July 2007)
Soybean growers now have more options when selecting soybean varieties that have high yield potential and the ability to stave off soybean cyst nematodes. SCN, a tiny worm that infests the soil in many fields in Iowa and the rest of the Midwest, steals soybean yields.
Non-GM success in combating cassava mosaic virus in Africa (October 2007)
Global plant genetics policy and research unite with emergency operations against lethal crop disease.
Non-GM beans developed for harsh Mediterranean conditions (November 2007)
Gates Foundation supports non-GM beta carotene-rich sweet potato in Africa (April 2006)
HarvestPlus has received a US$ 6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to introduce a nutritionally improved staple food - orange-fleshed sweet potato - into the diets of the undernourished in East Africa.
Zambia: better non-GM maize harvests (June 2005)
Although drought-prone Zambia is still facing many problems, huge improvements have been reported in its maize harvests - its main staple crop. A report from Inter Press Service notes, "... production changed dramatically after President Levy Mwanawasa took over from Frederick Chiluba in 2001.... [He] promoted innovations like mixed farming and conservation farming. Mwanawasa rejected GM maize and encouraged the growing of non-GM maize, resulting in bumper harvests for the past three consecutive years." When the Zambian government rejected GM maize in 2002, there were calls from the US Ambassador to the FAO for its leaders to be tried "for the highest crimes against humanity in the highest courts of the world."
New salt-tolerant wheat set to bring life to "dead" farmland (July 2004)
Scientists have developed a non-GM salt-tolerant wheat which could allow farmers to crop a third of the 1.8 million hectares of agricultural land lost to salinity across Australia's wheat belt.