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List of articles in category 2012
Created Date
Go-ahead for Irish GM trials
28 July 2012
GM apple not simple
28 July 2012
Rats fed GM food grow fatter
28 July 2012
State wants 'exploitative' firms to fund GM research
25 July 2012
Farmer becomes disillusioned with GMOs
25 July 2012
GM companies threaten food security and sovereignty - soy industry leader
25 July 2012
Brazilian farmers battle Monsanto
25 July 2012
USDA prepares to green-light 2,4-D soy
23 July 2012
Bt cotton bringing misery to poor farmers
23 July 2012
Maharashtra considering switching from GM cotton
21 July 2012
Bt maize seed shipment seized in Egypt
21 July 2012
Coming your way: a toxic cloud of 2,4-D
18 July 2012
Stand-off looms over US plans to cut GM plant oversight
18 July 2012
Bill Gates should forget GM crops
18 July 2012
GMO-free regions conference 2012
18 July 2012
European consultation on GM animals
18 July 2012
Researcher admits highly speculative nature of GM nitrogen-fixation
16 July 2012
Toxic biotech provisions of the Farm Bill
16 July 2012
Taking lessons from Dr Goebbels?
16 July 2012
Anger after Gates gives millions to British lab
16 July 2012
GMO safety issues based on science
15 July 2012
Gates bankrolls GM nitrogen fixing, more important work starved of funds
15 July 2012
Safety fears over use of GM animals
14 July 2012
Foodies mobilize against effort to speed GM approvals
13 July 2012
Maharashtra may ban Monsanto's Bt cotton
13 July 2012
Sustainable EU's GM debate
12 July 2012
Former Monsanto employee warns of GM food concerns - Audio
12 July 2012
Bt toxicity confirmed: flawed studies exposed
11 July 2012
Fewer GM crop trials in Europe
10 July 2012
Turks refusing to eat GM food
10 July 2012
Farce of Canadian public consultation
10 July 2012
Critique of studies hyping Bt cotton
10 July 2012
The NFU fall out with Morrisons and ASDA
07 July 2012
Crazy GM patent system
06 July 2012
Sam Dryden - Gates' head of agriculture
06 July 2012
Organic farmers file appeal against Monsanto
06 July 2012
GM canola contamination leads to court showdown
06 July 2012
Bt cotton kills pests or farmers?
05 July 2012
GM and the less than impartial BBC
05 July 2012
New campaign takes on Monsanto's spin machine
04 July 2012
Non-GM cotton to the rescue
04 July 2012
A serious lapse by the New Statesman
04 July 2012
EU food authorities pave way for meat and milk from GM animals
04 July 2012
New Benbrook data blow away claims of pesticide reduction due to GM crops
04 July 2012
Glyphosate found in people's urine: Full article
03 July 2012
German Bt cotton study misleading
03 July 2012
Congress's big gift to Monsanto
02 July 2012
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse
30 June 2012
The agribusiness coup in Paraguay
29 June 2012
GM obsession starves the research base for sustainable agriculture
29 June 2012
Monsanto faces $7.5 billion payout to Brazilian farmers
29 June 2012
Expert warns of illegal GM papaya on EU market
29 June 2012
'Responsible soy' nominated for greenwash award
28 June 2012
Oppose plan for untested GMOs in food
27 June 2012
Mr Frankenfood and the GM breakthroughs that never were
27 June 2012
EFSA GMO panel still biased
27 June 2012
New GM industry push in the UK
26 June 2012
Stop telling lies about Zambia
24 June 2012
Study questions sustainability of Bt cotton
24 June 2012
Bt crops are everyone's concern
23 June 2012
Senate rejects GM labeling amendment
22 June 2012
GM pigs killed after funding ends
22 June 2012
GM crop trouble as pests develop resistance
21 June 2012
Genetically engineering Washington politics
21 June 2012
GMOs should be safety tested - AMA
21 June 2012
New report challenges GM industry myths
21 June 2012
Genetically modified India
21 June 2012
GMO trees + green economy = green deserts
20 June 2012
Mother Jones: Blinded by 'science' on GM food
20 June 2012
250m new funding for new UK bio-economy
19 June 2012
GM-feed may harm animals' reproduction
19 June 2012
Hungary passes law limiting GM crops
19 June 2012
Protesters hit BIO and the World Food Prize
19 June 2012
Marion Nestle praises 'GM Myths and Truths'
18 June 2012
Why GM food is dangerous: New report by GM engineers
17 June 2012
Monsanto may lose GM royalties in Brazil
17 June 2012
Labeling battle hotting up
17 June 2012
Pests damaging biotech corn
17 June 2012
WWF tries to silence criticism
16 June 2012
Syngenta charged for covering up livestock deaths from GM corn
15 June 2012
Is adoption of Bt cotton an indicator of its success?
15 June 2012
GM industry all wet about drought tolerant crops
15 June 2012
GM has not delivered - US farming specialist
15 June 2012
A mother against glyphosate: Court case against GM soy producers in Argentina
15 June 2012
Is Bt cotton a success or failure?
14 June 2012
How California may change what America eats
14 June 2012
Bt cotton and pests in Chinese fields
14 June 2012
Germany will fight to keep total GM trace ban
13 June 2012
National conference on Bt cotton questions the success claims
13 June 2012
Seeds of Freedom - watch now
12 June 2012
Just one step to go to GM babies
12 June 2012
No deal reached on GM crop bans
11 June 2012
Germany to oppose easing of GM trace rule
11 June 2012
Regulators provoke massive protests
11 June 2012
Fake blood oranges
10 June 2012
Biotech proposal would bypass courts
09 June 2012
Rajasthan bans GM mustard trial
09 June 2012
GM mosquitos flying through regulatory gaps
09 June 2012
Primer on GMOs and international law
09 June 2012
Ex-Monsanto employee rejected for EFSA
09 June 2012
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