Action group Round Up Monsanto successfully shut down the main Monsanto plant in the Netherlands, formally De Ruiter Seeds. Forty activists chained themselves to the entrance gate at the wake of day and prevented personnel from entering the office buildings and greenhouses. (Time 4:42)
Thierry Boyer, head of Monsanto's European vegetable division, contacted his superiors and decided not to press charges.As a result the police will not interfere. " The company will be effectively close for the day", the police chief in charge confirmed. Clearly Monsanto is afraid of more negative publicity connecting the company to a police eviction, and prefers to close down the plant where 350 people are employed.
Many employees welcomed the action and said they were not happy with the take over of De Ruiter Seeds by Monsanto in 2008. This action is part of the growing world wide resistance against Monsanto and other multinational agro-businesses.
Banners on the gates and on the Monsanto logo on the premises said: "Monopoly on food and toxic agriculture - the world according to Monsanto" and "Imagine a world without poison and without GMO's - a world without Monsanto".