The Objective: To bring local awareness to the corporation Monsanto's control and involvement with the toxins in our food and water supplies and the ties they have in the government. We must start acting locally and thinking globally to bring down this tyrant of the food industry. We are in worldwide solidarity with the Millions Against Monsanto and several other groups, organizations, foundations, and individuals who feel that something must be done to stop the evil practices of the Monsanto Corporation. (Time 9:06)
The Goal: To unite local communities, as consumers, voters and organizers to continue the push to remove Monsanto and other Corrupt Corporations from our government. Along with other campaigns all over the globe to create a world governed for, of, and by the people, not the corporations. One tactic is to strategize and take action utilizing the power of the Boycott to send a strong message we will not do business with Corrupt Corporations. We are urging for monthly and biweekly protests; Workshops, teach-ins, film showings; Canvassing, flyering, training organizers, and recruiting more people to the peaceful fight.