Many Indian farmers face ruin because the genetically modified BT cotton from Monsanto, first approved in 2002, rendered them diastrous yields. Hoping for higher crop yields and fewer chemicals, the farmers werepersuaded to purchase the genetically modified seeds at quadruple the price. Yet the anticipated bumper crop failed to materialize. Disease and insect-ridden plants forced the farmers to use even more of the expensive chemicals, driving their bank depts higher. For many farmers the only escape from these accumulated debts is suicide. In all of India over 20.000 farmers committed suicide in the last few years. (Time: 6:10)
For more than twenty years Vandana Shiva, author and environmental advocate with a Ph.D. in particle physics, has dedicated herself to ensuring the rights of India's small farmers and maintaining biodiversity. "Monsanto - get out of India!" is the mantra she uses to challenge the agro-chemical multis.