- 1. Trial suppresses mosquitoes using non-GMO approach ...
- (2021)
- ... invasive, disease-carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito that is responsible for spreading dengue, yellow fever and Zika. Published in PNAS (see abstract below), the trial involved releasing three million male ...
- Created on 06 October 2021
- 2. Study shows anti-mosquito pesticide pyriproxyfen link with microcephaly ...
- (2021)
- ... doctors' organisation, Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns (PCST), in the area where most of the affected people lived, a chemical larvicide aimed at eradicating disease-carrying mosquitoes was introduce ...
- Created on 23 September 2021
- 3. Paradise altered: EPA approves first release of GM mosquitoes in Florida Keys ...
- (2021)
- The EPA approved Oxitec’s mosquitoes for release this spring. Some scientists and locals want to halt the deployment We put out a summary of this article on 16 April in our Daily Digest. But because ...
- Created on 19 April 2021
- 4. First GMO mosquitoes to be released in the Florida Keys ...
- (2021)
- The EPA approved Oxitec’s mosquitoes for release this spring. Some scientists and locals want to halt the deployment If you are in the US, there's more information on how you can help with the campaig ...
- Created on 16 April 2021
- 5. Non-GMO approach reduces cases of mosquito-borne dengue by 77% ...
- (2020)
- Epidemiologists describe the results as “staggering” and “epochal” While uncertain and risky GMO approaches to mosquito-borne diseases continue to raise concerns in the countries targeted for experimentation, ...
- Created on 31 August 2020
- 6. Florida mosquitoes: 750 million GM insects to be released ...
- (2020)
- Activists warn of possible damage to ecosystems and the potential creation of hybrid, insecticide-resistant mosquitoes EXCERPT: The green-lighting of a pilot project after years of debate drew a swift ...
- Created on 22 August 2020
- 7. Florida Keys delays vote on release of 750 million GM mosquitoes after public outcry ...
- (2020)
- Community and environmental groups applaud decision Here's some welcome good news. See also our background article, "Conflicts of interest plague GM mosquito experiments", here. --- Florida Keys dela ...
- Created on 23 July 2020
- 8. Experiments using GM fungus to kill mosquitoes fail to meet biosafety requirements ...
- (2020)
- Illegal experiments in Burkina Faso? 1. Experiments using GM fungus to kill mosquitoes in Burkina Faso fail to meet biosafety requirements 2. GM fungi to kill mosquitoes: Illegal experiments in Burkina ...
- Created on 20 July 2020
- 9. Conflicts of interest plague GM mosquito experiments ...
- (2020)
- Journal refuses to publish scientist’s defence of his paper warning of unexpected outcomes from GM mosquitoes release. Report: Claire Robinson As the citizens of Florida and Texas prepare to act ...
- Created on 20 July 2020
- 10. Before GM mosquitoes are released, we need a better EPA ...
- (2020)
- ... way to control mosquitoes that transmit disease. Yet the EPA did not convene an independent, external scientific advisory panel to review Oxitec’s claim; the agency’s risk assessment was only made publicly ...
- Created on 22 June 2020
- 11. Scientists sound warning about release of GM mosquitoes in US ...
- (2020)
- "It is time to reassess risk assessment for GM mosquitoes" EXCERPT: There is a potential bias and conflict of interest when experimental trials and assessments of ecological risk lack political accountabilit ...
- Created on 12 June 2020
- 12. US EPA grants first permit to test genetically modified mosquitoes ...
- (2020)
- ... Oxitec's GM mosquitoes, with the claimed purpose of preventing mosquito-borne disease. The EPA's announcement of its decision shamelessly exploits COVID-19 fears, stating, "To meet today’s public hea ...
- Created on 02 May 2020
- 13. Scientific study drawing attention to the risks of GM mosquitoes comes under attack ...
- (2019)
- Why is an Oxitec-linked author leading an attack on her own paper? Report by Claire Robinson and Jonathan Matthews A recent journal article about GM mosquitoes has caused quite a stir. It showed ...
- Created on 14 October 2019
- 14. Genetically modifying mosquitoes to control the spread of disease carries unknown risks ...
- (2019)
- Experts say recent decisions to deploy GM mosquitoes have not been made responsibly Here's a critical article about Oxitec's release of GM mosquitoes from authors who are not remotely anti-GMO. --- Genetical ...
- Created on 02 October 2019
- 15. Oppose GMO mosquito trials in Florida and Texas ...
- (2019)
- Object now! Oxitec is proposing to release its genetically modified (GM) OX5034 Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the US states of Florida and Texas. The EPA has opened a public comment period. Oxitec' ...
- Created on 27 September 2019
- 16. Trump ally pushes for permit to release GM mosquitoes in the US ...
- (2019)
- Experimental release sought for Oxitec GM mosquitoes – even though the company's GM mosquitoes are spreading out of control in Brazil Documents obtained through the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA ...
- Created on 17 September 2019
- 17. Genetically engineered mosquitoes out of control ...
- (2019)
- GM insects are spreading in Brazil According to a new scientific publication, genetically engineered mosquitoes produced by the biotech company Oxitec (Intrexon) have escaped human control after ...
- Created on 11 September 2019
- 18. Using (non-GMO) bacteria to control mosquitoes ...
- (2019)
- The Wolbachia bacteria has successfully suppressed dengue-fever carrying mosquitoes in a trial, but more work is needed to understand how the insects move to infest new areas The above approach to ...
- Created on 02 September 2019
- 19. Civil society groups denounce release of GM mosquitoes in Burkina Faso ...
- (2019)
- Move is "unethical experiment" A group of 43 civil society organisations from Africa and around the world has denounced the release of genetically modified (GM) “male-sterile” mosquitoes in Burkin ...
- Created on 03 July 2019
- 20. Oxitec’s failed GM mosquito releases worldwide ...
- (2019)
- Forewarnings for Africa and the Target Malaria project A decade ago, GM mosquitoes were first released globally, in the Cayman Islands, by UK-based company Oxitec. Further releases followed in Malaysia, ...
- Created on 01 May 2019