Is anyone in the regulatory authorities worried about Seralini's data?
Claire Robinson
Co-author of new study showing the regulatory failure that led to approval of glyphosate
Since Seralini's data on the toxic effects of GM maize and Roundup were published in September, one government agency after another has come out with a statement with a message equivalent to "Nothing to see here, move along please," while chucking Seralini's study into the waste bin.
But this isn't the message I'm getting from independent scientists and experts. Everyone, including those who point out that Seralini's study, like all studies, has flaws and limitations, has said that his data must be taken seriously and that there is plenty of cause for concern about these products.
I couldn't help but wonder: is there anyone in any regulatory authority who is the least bit worried by Seralini's data? Not to mention all the other studies by independent scientists showing a link between Roundup and birth defects, some types of cancer, reproductive problems, neurological disease, and a host of other ills?
An inside source tells me that there are now people in EU and member state regulatory authorities who are "very concerned" about the safety of glyphosate and GM Roundup Ready crops. But accepting that there is a risk is now a major political problem for governments and their agencies.
If the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and national regulatory bodies were to accept even that there is a need to do further tests, they would be under pressure to ban the import of GM crops immediately.
This would mean, in their view, that
(a) we would not have enough livestock feed in Europe (our pig and chicken production in particular would have major commercial problems) and
(b) Europe would face a trade war with the USA.
This fits with what Maria Rodale, CEO of the health and organic products company Rodale Inc in the US said about President Obama's less than decisive action on GMO labelling:
"Yes, he's got a chef in the kitchen who primarily uses organic foods. But he's also got the iron fist of the massive, mean, and all-pervasive Monsanto lobby he has to deal with. Trust me, what I've heard from insiders is that it's even worse than you imagine. People in Washington are scared of them."
Since the GM industry has effectively tied the hands of our governments and regulators, it's down to us, as consumers, to take action. How? We can stop listening to regulatory "assurances" about the safety of substances and make our own minds up. We can eat organic, as organic production bans the use of GM seeds. And we can minimise our intake of the major GM crops - corn, soy, and canola. Spread the word.
GM industry has tied the hands of governments and regulators
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