Sharp increase in aerial spraying in U.S.
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EXTRACT: "it's ironic we're seeing such an increase in pesticide use on genetically modified crops supposed to need less pesticides. It's obvious more is being used."
Experts: Few alternatives to aerial spraying
THE JOURNAL STAR, April 4 2009
*Many farmers oncerned about whether proper safety measures are used
Opinions vary widely regarding recent sharp increases in aerial application of farm chemicals, with some industry experts saying farmers have few options.
Patrick Kirchhofer, manager of the Peoria County Farm Bureau, said the high price of corn last year, wet fields and corn hybrids that can often be 8 to 10 feet in height all played a role.
"Today's hybrids mean the corn gets so tall it's difficult to take a wheeled vehicle over the field without damaging the crop. When the field is wet, aerial application is the only alternative," Kirchhofer said.
"Applicators need to be conscious of wind direction and changes in wind speed and direction. There are plenty of headaches in farming without creating issues with neighbors, but farmers can't control everything."
When potential insect damage is predicted late in the season at a time when crops have reached mature heights, the only option is to spray by air, he said.
Corn prices last year were at historic highs, making aerial application more cost effective.
Denny Wettstein and his wife, Emily, farm organically in Carlock.
"In my opinion, it's ironic we're seeing such an increase in pesticide use on genetically modified crops supposed to need less pesticides. It's obvious more is being used," he said.
Fewer farmers do their own spraying than in the past, Wettstein said. Most chemical applications, whether by air or land, are done by companies under contract with the farmers.
"These big companies have so many acres to cover, and they can't interrupt their schedule due to weather. They won't stop," Wettstein said, noting that he's confronted some applicators in the past and complained that wind speed exceeded label warnings.
"It's my word against his," Wettstein said. "They tell me they have to continue."
Wettstein rotates crops and has livestock.
He said, "In my opinion, the best practice is crop rotations with livestock. That keeps weeds down. But we see more and more continuous corn, which means continuous battles against weeds and bugs and more and more spraying."
Two organic farmers contacted for this story because of their long-standing problems with drift from chemical applications on nearby farms declined to allow their names to be used. One family said the situation has deteriorated to the point they are looking into moving their operation to other farmland.
The other family said after filing complaints with the Department of Agriculture, they are concerned about retaliation. The husband said he has been buzzed repeatedly by crop dusters when he's on the tractor in the middle of his organic fields.
Some states have initiated advance notification requirements, special hotlines for help when drift occurs and increased buffer zones around targeted fields.