Golden rice criticism prompts pro-GM apoplexy
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2.Taking the rap
NOTE: Couldn't resist including item 2 in this context :)
If Adrian Dubock seems a mite apoplectic, then this former Syngenta man's list of recommended reading may give some clue to the disease.
His favourite publications include 'The March of Unreason: Science, Democracy, and the New Fundamentalism' by Dick Taverne.
A reviewer in The Guardian described this book as 'hectoring dogma' and 'rant rather than reason'. The reviewer also said Taverne displayed 'a little knowledge and a lot of bombast'.
James Wilsdon in a review in the Financial Times accused Taverne of using evidence selectively and unscrupulously to bolster prejudice, and of engaging in "fundamentalism... His is a world in which science can do no wrong; in which research is untainted by vested interests, and companies such as Monsanto exist purely to feed the hungry."
Another Dubock favourite is, 'The real GM food scandal' by, errr... Dick Taverne. Other Dubock recommendations include a book on the benefits of pesticides (well, if you're going to work for Syngenta, you may as well look on the bright side!)and 'Why ethical shopping harms the world'.
1.Golden Rice board dubs GM-free campaigners 'cranks'
John Vidal
Eco Soundings, The Guardian, 25 March 2009
The latest spat between pro- and anti-GM camps is getting nasty. It revolves around Golden Rice, the GM crop that was bio-fortified to produce vitamin A and was intended to be rolled out to the world's poor many years ago, but hasn't got very far.
A few weeks ago, when it was found that it was being fed to Chinese children without being licensed, Brian John, of GM-Free Cymru, fired off a letter to the Golden Rice board.
An immediate reply from top man Adrian Dubock, former UK government GM cheerleader and latterly a Syngenta man, started mildly enough with
"[You are] a failed bunch of cranks"
Then he went on
"You, and your kind, really are degenerately immoral."
Tsk, tsk.
 Eco Soundings is our regular bite-sized blog series. It appears every Wednesday in the Guardian newspaper
2.Taking the rap
John Vidal
Eco Soundings, The Guardian, 6 October 2004
Rohan Prakask is the 12-year-old rapper son of Professor CS Prakash, director of the Centre for Plant Biotechnology at Tuskegee university, Alabama. Young Rohan has leapt to his father's side after penning a pro-biotech song that was mentioned by the UK web-based GM Watch group.
He emailed them: "If you want to insult me, i'm going to insult you fucking dick ass bit[c]h whor. Ya you can never talk about me like that cuz 12 year old rohan that's me and say sorry because universal records gave me a record contract and i can make a rap to get you out of business bitch. Do not talk about my dad because biotechnology is tight and you do not fuck with me!"
Sweet child.