Solidarity trade union supports anti-GM hunger strike
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protest of the Coalition "GMO-FREE POLAND"
Jadwiga Lopata, winner of Goldman Prize (2002) and Malopolska 'Woman of the Year award (2008) has started a hunger-strike in support of Edyta Jaroszewska and Danuta Pilarska - the farmer ladies that are continuing their hunger strike action and protest at the Ministry of Agriculture in Warsaw since 11 days.
"The response from the Minister of Agriculture, received on Friday March 20th, did not change anything, we need to continue the hunger-strike, and now we will also be going to the office of the Prime Minister," said the striking women.
Jadwiga Lopata, together with Sir Julian Rose, president of ICPPC (International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside,) took letters which were sent to their offices in Stryszow (Malapolska) and went to Warsaw.
"Whole heaps of letters ... even we are not able to take everything. They are addressed to the Prime Minister Donald Tusk ... People sent us copies. Many are very dramatic - showing direct support for the hunger striking farmer-ladies and their demands," says Jadwiga Lopata (see the photos on )
".They came from all over the world: from professors, scientists, organizations, concerned private people. Everyone is speaking with one voice: "NO TO GMO". The letters demand positive actions, based on mounting evidence of GMO threats. They include communications from Austria, Hungary, France and Greece, Countries that have already introduced GMO bans," added Julian Rose.
ICPPC - International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside,
Międzynarodowa Koalicja dla Ochrony Polskiej Wsi
34-146 Stryszów 156, Poland tel./fax +48 33 8797114
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