How much GM is really in our food?
Farmers Guardian, 28 November 2008
SUPERMARKETS have banned genetically engineered ingredients from their own brand goods and make much of this fact, but dairy products and meat from animals fed on GM animal feed do not legally have to be labelled as such. In other words, the public do not know what they are buying.
A recent Soil Association survey has uncovered the fact the UK imports about 146,000 tonnes of GM soya each year and 290,000 tonnes of GM maize.
And, as GM grain is mixed with non-GM grain the total amount of animal feed containing GM is huge. Unless we buy organic then the chances are we have been unknowingly eating genetically engineered food.
This hidden use of GM animal feed has been widely exploited by the biotechnology companies (the only ones to benefit from this) as a way of introducing GM crops through the back door.
We don't know what we are eating and this loophole must be closed so that we can make an informed choice not to eat GM food if we so wish.
Genetic engineering is not like hybridisation because this technology crosses species boundaries, eg the fish gene in a tomato to give it a longer shelf life. We all know this does not happen in nature.
We are all being used as guinea pigs - there are no long-term, independent, peer-reviewed research papers on the effects on humans, animals or the environment.
We can write and demand that any food coming from animals fed on GM animal feed must be labelled as such - everyone can change this, it just needs a little effort to pursue the supermarkets and other food suppliers.
Biddy Garstang,
Yaspis Cottage,
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