Crute critiqued / EFSA critique now available in Fench
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2.EFSA critique now available in Fench
NOTE: You can find an abstract in English of this important lecture (item 2), which is now being made available in French as well as German, here:
1.Crute critiqued
Comment by GM-free Ireland on
Professor Ian Crute's commentary
in The Times (Nov 3), "Why Europe should rewrite the rule book",
Most readers of The Times will not accept Professor Crute's hypothetical GM soybean with fish genes, and will not be fooled by his attempts to misinform them:
*Contrary to what the Professor implies, European farmers and consumers recognise that agricultural biotechnology has useful applications such as Marker Assisted Selection, which does not involve genetic modification.
*The vast majority of Europeans oppose the release of GM crops, fish and livestock for many reasons including (a) that no health studies prove their safety; (b) that it is scientifically impossible to predict their long-term metabolic, health and environmental impacts on the modified organisms, on the livestock and humans who consume them, and on the surrounding ecosystems from which, in most cases, they can never be recalled; and (c) that GM crop patents enable Monsanto et al. to consolidate their near-monopoly on the world's agricultural seeds, thus reducing biodiversity at an evolutionary moment of climate change when this is most needed to ensure a sustainable food supply for future generations.
*The Professor's description of the EU's legally-required health and environmental risk assessments of GMOs as "onerous regulatory hurdles" reveals his hubris, scientific ignorance, and utter disregard for human health and the environment.
*His attempt to convince us that the means by which GMOs are produced should not be scrutinised is outrageous, given the scientific evidence that most GM crops have scrambled genomes and genetic instability as a direct consequence of the way they are modified.
*His claim that "there may indeed be potential benefits" of GM crops linked to "cheap food or even food security" is not supported by the scientific evidence, including the United Nations' authoritative International Assessment of Agriculture, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report published earlier this year.
*His statement that GM crops are being grown "over substantial areas" with "great benefit" in other parts of the world is extremely misleading. On less than 5% of the world's arable land where they are grown, GM crops have already caused massive contamination of conventional crops and the food chain in 57 countries, increased the release of toxic chemicals, and caused billion-dollar economic losses to farmers and food producers around the world, including Spain (the only remaining EU member state where they are still commercially grown on any significant scale).
Instead of "rewriting the rule book" as Professor Crute desires, the EU's regulatory process for GMOs urgently needs to be strengthened with real assessments of the health, agronomic, ecological, social, economic, legal, political and food security dangers of GM food and farming.
Shame on the UK Government (and on its Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) for abusing public funds to finance Professor Crute's propaganda!
2.EFSA critique now available in Fench
Message from Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke,
Dear all,
On 3rd Dec. 2007, GMWatch informed everyone about the very important lecture of the Austrian expert Werner Müller that he held at Wuppertal about the European Food Safety Authority - "GMO-Approvals: A game on home territory for industry" on 21st November.
view and , also view
Müller's lecture combined serious scientific information with a way of speaking that conveyed the concerns to those in his audience who had not previously really been aware of GMOs.
As this combination is very important from a strategic point of view, we disseminated the information from this evening widely by CDs, DVDs and printed brochures (also the later including the complete spoken words!) through all German speaking parts of Europe.
The donations gioven in support of this documentation project enabled us to invite Müller to Bonn in May to the globally important congress "Planet Diversity", where he contrtibuted to a workshop about GMOs and health, and wrote a case study showing via a specific example how EFSA lies at the expense of the public.
An english description of this workshop is available at Also Arpad Pusztai, Senior Scientist, Hungary/UK, Michael Hansen, Senior Staff Scientist with Consumers Union, USA and Jeffrey Smith, Institute for Responsible Technology, USA, participated in this workshop. The finalized version of Werner Müller's study (in English) is available at .
The success of this documentation project encouraged us to seek the assistance of Coorditrad, the voluntary translation network of Attac International.
Additionally, Prof. Séralini and his staff from Criigen helped concerning the translation of scientific expressions, Dominique Béroule from Altercampagne gave his acdvice concerning the whole text, and Gérard Choplin from CPE gave his advice concerning the slides of the presentation.
On October 22nd, this big international translation project has finally come to it's successful conclusion:
At you can find the French translation of the lecture in several file versions (for 60 or 120 pages in different drawing qualities as well as a sery of html sites).
As these issues do not only concern Europeans, kindly feel free to forward this message as widely as possible!!!
For viewing the original German documentation, kindly start at
Peaceful and bio-diverse greetings
Wolfgang Wiebecke
Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke
Agrarian Group of Attac Wuppertal
PS: For informing French speakers, kindly use the following text:
Chers luttants pour une monde sans OGM,
une coopération internationale importante a pu être réalisée :
sur vous pouvez finalement trouver la traduction française de la conférence donnée par le DI Werner Müller chez nous à Wuppertal "Procédures d'autorisation des OGM : un match à domicile pour l'industrie" sur l'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA).
La documentation de cette conférence importante a été traduite par Coorditrad ; nos remerciements bien cordiaux aussi à tous les autres qui y ont assisté.
Comme la manière scandaleuse dont les OGM entrent dans l'Europe ne concerne pas seulement les Européens, je vous prie cordialement de bien vouloir diffuser cette information aussi largement que possible.
Avec mes salutations pacifiques et bio-diverses
Wolfgang Wiebecke
Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke
Groupe agrarien d'Attac Wuppertal
Pourquoi cette documentation et cette traduction ?
(Notice éditoriale par W. Wiebecke, Groupe agrarien d’Attac Wuppertal)
C'est très, très rare qu'une conférence soit documentée avec tant de soin.
Pourquoi ne pas seulement télécharger (ou bien, au maximum, aussi traduire) le « cÅ“ur » d'une telle conférence, le diaporama ?
En le comparant à ce que DI Müller a réellement dit à la conférence du 21 novembre 2007, ce diaporama semble très abstrait. C’est pourquoi nous avons tout d'abord pris le temps de compléter les 30 secondes du film qui n'avaient pas pu être enregistrées en utilisant le podcast et le diaporama ; nous avons alors pu retranscrire tout ce qui avait été dit.
Importance et focus de cette documentation
DI Müller est un scientifique critique, disposant de beaucoup d’informations importantes et des plus actuelles en même temps qu’un conférencier qui sait adapter le choix de ses mots aux possibilités de son public. À Wuppertal, il a donné une conférence devant un public - a priori - assez peu sensibilisé aux problèmes des OGM en tant que tels ; et le succès de notre documentation semble montrer que ses mots sont, en ce moment, à la mesure de l’enjeu : ni trop scientifiques, ni polémiques.
Il a fallu nous abstenir de bien des aspects importants des OGM puisque la conférence avait lieu devant un public généralement intéressé mais sans spécialisation scientifique. C'est pourquoi DI Müller a dû prendre du temps pour expliquer ce qu’est un gène et en quoi consiste le génie génétique et d'autres aspects encore... C’est ainsi que, dans le cadre de cette conférence, il n’a pas pu expliquer tous les aspects importants des effets des OGM. On n'y a presque pas retrouvé les effets écologiques, pas plus que les conséquences concernant les pesticides, que ce soit ceux qu’on utilise dans le cadre de la culture des OGM ou ceux produits par les cellules des OGM.
Effets de ce projet
A l'aide des dons pour distribuer cette documentation par CDs, DVDs et brochures, il nous a été possible d'inviter DI Müller à Bonn pour le congrès mondial « Planet Diversity », où il a participé - en langue anglaise - à un atelier sur « santé et OGM ». A cette occasion, nous avons pu porter à la connaissance du public une étude de DI Müller où il montre un cas typique où l'EFSA ment volontairement au public en faveur de l'industrie. La version finale existe - pour l’instant - uniquement en langue anglaise, donc ni en allemand ni en français.
Comme DI Müller parle l'anglais lui-même, nous n'avons pas actuellement l'intention de traduire la documentation dans la langue anglaise.
Affiche actualisée après coup
Mercredi, 21 novembre 2007, 19:30 h
Börse, Wolkenburg 100, Wuppertal
(Lignes d’autobus 628 et 611, train : RB47 et S8, parking)
Procédures d’autorisation des OGM : un match à domicile pour l’industrie
Conférence de
DI Werner Müller (Vienne, Autriche, GLOBAL 2000)
En Europe, l’Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA) est la principale instance d’approbation des organismes issus du génie génétique. Lors de la procédure d’approbation, elle ne tient aucun compte des risques pour la santé lorsque ceux-ci sont minimisés dans les études d’impact présentées par les firmes requérantes, et alors que seules des études à court terme ont été faites. L’EFSA néglige des principes scientifiques fondamentaux et ignore l’exigence légale des études sur le long terme (tests sur 24 mois).
Le conférencier :
a terminé ses études en 1995 (ingénieur en sciences appliquées de l’écologie et de l’environnement, Université des sciences et techniques de la vie et de l’environnement, Vienne [BOKU]).
Responsable depuis lors de nombreux expertises et débats en Europe sur le thème de l’évaluation des risques du génie génétique, entre autres à la Commission européenne et dans le Land de Haute-Autriche. Expert en génie génétique pour GLOBAL 2000 depuis 2003.
Site Internet : .
Organisation : Attac Wuppertal, Attac Remscheid, Attac Gütersloh, BaSo/Chemiekreis, G&Ö-Gruppe von Attac Köln, IKAP GleichStand International, NaturFreunde Wuppertal, Rosa-Luxemburg-Club Wuppertal/Bergisch Land, die börse (Wuppertal), Das Paritätische Bildungswerk
Soutien : Attac Düsseldorf, Attac Wendland, Attac-Netzwerk Essen, Biohöfe Windrather Tal, Biologische Station Mittlere Wupper, Brot für die Welt, BUND Kreisgruppe EN, Bundesverband Arbeiterfotografie, Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren, Demeter NRW, Forum Bioskop, gegen macht kultur, GEPA THE FAIR TRADE COMPANY, Gen-ethisches Netzwerk, Greenpeace Gruppe Köln, Kooperation Brasilien, Ökofonds von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen NRW, Reformierter Bund, Therapeutikum Wuppertal e. V., Umweltinstitut München e.V., Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft
Responsable de presse : W. Wiebecke, Attac Wuppertal, 42285 Wtal
Translation of
Why this documentation and this translation ?
(Editorial note by W. Wiebecke, Agrarian Group of Attac at Wuppertal)
It's very rare that a lecture is being documentated with so much accuracy.
If you compare what Müller really has said at this 21st of November 2007 to the presentation, the latter seems to be very abstract. That's why we have taken the time to first of all add the 30 seconds of the film which had not been able to be incorporated within the film by using the podcast and the presentation. Afterwards, we have retranscribed all words that have been said.
Importance and focus of this documentation
Müller is a critical scientist who disposes of many important and most actual informations and in the same time he is a speaker who is able to adapt his speach to the possibilities of his audience. At Wuppertal his lecture took place in front of a public which - a priori - was nearly not sensiblisized regarding GMOs as themselves. The success of our documentation seems to evidence that his words are urgently needed: Neither too scientific, nor polemic.
We had to abstain from several important aspects of GMO as the lecture took place with an audience generally interested but without scientifical specialisation. Therefore Müller hat to take time for explaining of what is a gene and what is genetical engineering and other aspects of that kind... Thus he could not mention all important aspects of GMO impacts. You scarcely found informations about ecological impacts, and no word on the consequences of pesticides, neither those used in cultivating GMO nor those produced by GMO cells.
Effects of this project
The donations earned by dispersion this documentation via CDs, DVDs and booklets enabled us to invite Müller to Bonn for the global congress "Planet Diversity", where he participated in english language at a workshop on "Health and GMO". At this occasion we could additionally distibute on paper Müller’s study showing a typical case how EFSA lies to the public in favor of industry. The final version finale of this study exists - at present - exclusively in english language, thus neither in german nor in french. [It will soon appear in a professional German translation, thanks to the donations we received since May.]
As Müller speaks english himself, we do not have actually the intention to translate this documentation into english language.
Tanslation of
Poster actualized retroactively
Wednesday, 21st November 2007, 19:30 h
Börse, Wolkenburg 100, Wuppertal
(Bus lines 628 and 611, train: RB47 and S8, sufficiant parking)
GMO-Approvals: A game on home territory for industry
Lecture of
DI Werner Müller (Vienna, Austria, GLOBAL 2000)
In Europe, The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is the first instance for approvals of genetically modified organisms. During the approval procedures, it does not take into account the health risks as they are minimized within the studies of the of the applying companies although only short term studies are done. EFSA neglects basical scientifical principles and ignores the legal claim of long term studies (tests of 24 months).
The speaker:
has concluded his studies in 1995 (Ingenieur in applied sciences de of ecology and environement, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna [BOKU]).
Responsible afterward at many expertises and debats in Europe on the issue of the evaluation of GMO risks, among others at the European Commission and in Upper Austria. Expert on genetic engeneering issues for GLOBAL 2000 since 2003.
Website: .
Organizers: Attac Wuppertal, Attac Remscheid, Attac Gütersloh, BaSo/Chemiekreis, G&Ö-Gruppe von Attac Köln, IKAP GleichStand International, NaturFreunde Wuppertal, Rosa-Luxemburg-Club Wuppertal/Bergisch Land, die börse (Wuppertal), Das Paritätische Bildungswerk
Supporters: Attac Düsseldorf, Attac Wendland, Attac-Netzwerk Essen, Biohöfe Windrather Tal, Biologische Station Mittlere Wupper, Brot für die Welt, BUND Kreisgruppe EN, Bundesverband Arbeiterfotografie, Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren, Demeter NRW, Forum Bioskop, gegen macht kultur, GEPA THE FAIR TRADE COMPANY, Gen-ethisches Netzwerk, Greenpeace Gruppe Köln, Kooperation Brasilien, Ökofonds von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen NRW, Reformierter Bund, Therapeutikum Wuppertal e. V., Umweltinstitut München e.V., Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft
Responsible for press: W. Wiebecke, Attac Wuppertal, 42285 Wtal