CORRECTION - re: ACTION ALERT - urge EU ag ministers to protect organic - meeting Monday!
Dear all,
I am just being informed that the European Environment Bureau - - is convinced that organics is not on the agenda of agriculture ministers' meeting April 16th/17th. I had got the information from an expert in Austria who was sure a bigger point of the agenda defintely included also the organics'
issue. Nevertheless it will be necessary to keep attentive as the vote of EU parliament is interpreted as not being a defintive decision.
Best wishes
Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke
Agrarian group of attac in Wuppertal
Meckelstr. 9
42285 Wuppertal
Tel/FAX: 0049-202-6480966
Original message
ACTION ALERT - urge EU ag ministers to protect organic - meeting Monday!
More information here
from Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke:
Dear all,
As I have been informed in a telephone call from Austria, EU agriculture ministers will have their meeting as soon as next Monday and Tuesday April 16th/17th in Luxembourg. Therefore it is more than urgent to support the following email-action concerning the EU directive on organic food and production [organised in 3 messages below in different languages for 3 groups of Ministers]:
To the ministers of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republik, Hungary, United Kingeom, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece
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Dear minister,
I am deeply concerned that you are going to vote on April 16th/17th among other issues on the reform of the directive on organic food and organic production in Europe.
Part of your decision will be the percentage of involuntary contamination by GMOs of organic food labeled as "EU-BIO".
As I refuse on principle to consume food containing GMOs, I urgently ask you to vote for a contamination limit not bigger than 0.1 %, at least for organic food, in all European member states and, additionally, if possible, in all kinds of food.
For deciding GMO contamination of food between 0.1 and 0.9 % farmers producing without GMOs must order a qualitive analyse. Such an analysis is unbearably expensive for them. Additionally even producers of GMO seeds admit indirectly risks of GMO. Thus agriculture without GMO must have priority and the precatuionary principle must be strictly implemented at least within the procedure of admission of GMOs.
To the ministers of Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Romania:
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Cher ministre,
Je me fais des soucis comme le 16/17 Avril vous allez trouver votre decision sur la regulation Europeenne sur les dennrees biologiques.
A cette occasion vous allez aussi décider sur le pourcentage de contamination involontaire des dennrees biologiques en EU par des OGM.
Comme je refuse cosommer toutes les dennrees contaminees par des OGM, je vous prie urgemment de définir ce poucentage de contamination en Europe au moins pour les dennrees biologiques comme 0.1 %, et, si c'est possible, pour toutes les dennrees.
Pour determiner une contamination ente 0,1 et 0,9 % les paysannes et paysans produisant sans OGM doivent laisser faire une analyse quantitative. Cette analyse comporte des coutes insupportables pour eux.
De plus les producteurs des semences OGM admettent indirectement les risques des OGM. Ainsi il faut ceder la priorite a l'agriculture sans OGM et implementer le principe de la precaution avant tout aussi concernant la procedure d'admission des OGM.
To the ministers of Germany and Austria:
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Sehr geehrte Frau Minister/Sehr geehrter Herr Minister,
Ich bin in Sorge, weil am 16./17.4. u. a. die neue EU-Bio-Richtlinie von Ihnen beschlossen werden soll.
Dabei steht u. a. der Grenzwert zur Diskussion, der fuer Bio-Lebensmittel hinsichtlich unbeabsichtigter Verunreinigung mit GVO in der EU kuenftig gelten soll.
Da ich grundsaetzlich in Lebensmitteln keine Gentechnik haben will, fordere ich Sie dazu auf, die Verunreinigungsgrenze zumindest in Bio-Lebensmitteln mit 0,1 % EU-weit festzusetzen, nach Moeglichkeit nicht nur fuer Bio-Lebensmittel, sondern fuer alle Lebensmittel.
Zur Bestimmung der GVO-Verunreinigung von 0,1-0,9 % muessen LandwirtInnen, die ohne Gentechnik erzeugen wollen, einen quantitativen Befund erheben. Da dieser sie in finanziell nicht tragbarem Ausmass belastet und die Risiken der GVO selbst von den Erzeugerfirmen indirekt eingestanden werden, muss der gentechnikfreien Landwirtschaft Vorrang gegeben werden und das Vorsorgeprinzip bei den Zulassungsverfahren von GVO und darueber hinaus streng umgesetzt werden.
Best wishes
Dr. Wolfgang Wiebecke
Agrarian group of attac in Wuppertal
Meckelstr. 9
42285 Wuppertal
Tel/FAX: 0049-202-6480966