After the global day of information on GMOs in 2006, the global month of events in 2007, 2008 could be declared 'Ban-GMOs Year'. Currently people from 26 countries have responded positively, and we hope to reach many more with this call for participation.
Dominique Béroule
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2008: Ban-GMOs Year - People's No GE Day: 8th of April
Because bio-technologies generated by an infant science should not be allowed to modify the genetic structure of food, because natural seeds should not be artificially modified in order to become the property of private companies...
Citizens from around the world decided to celebrate 2008 as a 'Ban-GMOs Year', in a series of information events happening worldwide, including a People's No GE Day on the 8th of April.
2008 is the right time to react globally to a small subset of businessmen, scientists and politicians - a coalition which only serves itself, as it tries to take over our staple foods, as it wrongly develops agro-fuels at the expense of small farmers and rainforests, as its only response to all the prdicted genetic contamination is to keep native seeds frozen in a Doomsday Seed Vault (to be launched in March 2008).
Despite the recent unexplained death of honeybee colonies, despite the reduction in healthy soil bacteria due to industrial agriculture, they are still allowing the GM contamination of natural seeds. As long as we cannot stop the wind blowing, GMOs must be banned from our fields.
GM plants are one drop too many in the overflowing tank of industrial agriculture, the principles underlying which must be replaced by sustainable ones if we are to save the planet. Let's make it happen in 2008!
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