NOTE: Seems not all politicians are a pushover for corporate lobbying. As previously noted, when announcing the ban on planting GM crops in France, President Sarkozy said he doubted both the health and environmental benefits claimed for GMOs. Here's what Kim Chance, the Western Australian Agriculture Minister had to say in Parliament last week.
1003. Hon BRUCE DONALDSON to the Minister for Agriculture and Food:
A newspaper report today quoted the Prime Minister, Mr Howard, as asking some state governments to not ignore the potential of GM crops by the continued use of moratoriums. Is the minister aware of the position of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Rudd, on the use of GM technology for crops?
Hon KIM CHANCE replied:
I did not quite hear all of the question, but I am aware of an article in The West Australian today that purported to represent the Prime Minister's position as being that we would all be happier and healthier if we were eating GM food. I think that was the gist of it. Do I think that the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Kevin Rudd, would have the same lunatic view of life? No.