1.GM mutatoes - new website
2.GM spud trial in Cambridge - grid refs published
3.Reminder: GM potato consultation (DEFRA) ends 20 April 2007
1.GM mutatoes - new website
Please spread the word about the rallies and picnics in Cambridge and Hull on 14 and 21st April respectively. More info is on the website.
Thanks, Clare This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
GM Campaigner
Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
26-28 Underwood Street, London, N1 7JQ, United Kingdom
2.GM spud trial in Cambridge - 6-fig grid refs published
I have had the information below from Defra today. This means that the GM potatoes could be planted any time from today onwards. While they have published the information on the public register, they have still not put this information on the Defra website. Almost like they don’t want people to know.
For more information about the campaigns see: http://www.mutatoes.org/
Clare This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From Defra 11/4/07
The 6-figure references will be published at http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/gm/regulation/pdf/trials.pdf
The grid reference for the Cambridge trial is TL430627. This has already gone on the public register and will be on the web in the next few days. Provided the Hedon trial gets approval to go ahead we will publish 6-figure details in the same places after 20 April.
It went on the register last Wednesday. The register is kept at the Defra Information Resource Centre, Ergon House, Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AL (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and can be inspected during normal working hours. The earliest planting date is not specified in the consent but I would expect it to be in the near future otherwise it will be too late in the growing season for this year.
3.Reminder: GM potato consultation (DEFRA) ends 20 April 2007
Just a quick reminder that the second consultation by UK's DEFRA into the proposed testing of GM potatoes by BASF ends on 20 April 2007:
The e-mail address for comments is:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The reference for the subject line of the e-mail should be: 07/R42/01
If anyone would like copies of comments to DEFRA for the previous BASF GM potato consultation please let me know and I'll make them available on a website.
Marcus This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.