Seems the STOP GM WINE campaign has had some impact, so let's keep up the pressure.
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Chicago Tribune: "Lab-altered grapes uncork fears of Frankenwine"
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Earlier this year buyers in the United Kingdom, one of South Africa's top export markets, and in Germany canceled orders for South African wine after hearing of the controversy, though genetically modified wines couldn't be commercially produced in South Africa for at least a decade even on the most optimistic timetable.
The Institute for Wine Biotechnology has received stacks of letters from wine lovers...
"Our whole research program is need-driven. We ask the industry what they want," Groenewald [of the Institute] said. South African winemakers have made clear they don't want to be the first to use the new technology, she admits, "but they say we'll be a close second [when someone else does]. So we'll be ready when the market's ready."
[Comment - What the Institute for Wine Biotechnology at Stellenbosch University still don't realise is the more consumers find out about GM the less they want it, and in addition, there are other modern biotechnologies such as Marker Assisted Selection that are possibly superior to genetic engineering, and acceptable to consumers at the same time - Andrew Taynton]
For more information - Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M Smith,, or Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST),
More on Marker Assisted Selection: