1.Presence of unapproved GM rice in Europe alarms food industry
2.US Poised to Approve Illegal GM Rice
1.Presence of unapproved GM rice in Europe alarms food industry
AFX News, 12 September 2006 http://www.forbes.com/business/feeds/afx/2006/09/12/afx3009154.html
EXCERPT ONLY: FRANKFURT (AFX) - The existence of unapproved genetically modified rice in Europe has shaken the food industry, the Financial Times has reported.
Aldi Nord has removed the brand Bon-Ri rice from its shelves after Greenpeace discovered it contains traces of unapproved genetically-modified rice, the newspaper said.
2.US Poised to Approve Illegal GM Rice
Commentary, 12 September 2006
We wish to bring to your attention that the US government has set into motion plans to deregulate LL601, the unapproved genetically engineered rice produced by Bayer. The company has asked the US Department of Agriculture to grant retroactive market approval of the illegal rice which was found to have contaminated the rice supply in the US as well as rice products in a couple of European countries. Though LL601 is illegally present in rice supplies, the US authorities have failed to recall LL601-contaminated rice supplies or food products but instead plan to approve it.
Nonetheless, this rice event has yet to gain approval or undergo a risk assessment process in importing countries. Countries which have zero tolerance for unapproved GMOs must remain vigilant as should LL601 be found in rice imports, the product is still unauthorized and appropriate action should be taken. As in the case of Japan, it has suspended US long-grain rice imports, while the European Union is requiring all US long-grain rice shipments to be accompanied by a certificate declaring that they are free of LL601.