1.Science Academies support GM-foods
2.Klaus Ammann - GM WATCH profile
The ardent supporter and lobbyist for GMOs Klaus Ammann is in the thick of these "researchers in the field of green genetic technology [ie GM crops]" who are working on a pro-GM manifesto which they're going to try and get as many as they can of the world's Science Academies to support.
While Ammann denounces the likes of Greenpeace as campaigners, at least they are open about their campaigning. Ammann and his kind are something far more insidious - pro-GM activists who dress up their campaigning and PR promotionals as the authoritative voice of science.
1.Science Academies support GM-foods
By Norbert Lossau
Die Welt, May 30, 2006
Translated by Mark Hutcko and Stephan Nyeki, CheckBiotech
BERLIN During last weekend's international meeting of the Science Academy in Berlin, twelve leading researchers in the field of green genetic technology worked on a manifesto which aims to clarify the significance of this technology.
Scientist from Germany, China, South Africa, India, France, Egypt, Switzerland and the USA unanimously declared that transgenic food is at least as safe as other food. Genetically modified plants pose no danger to the environment and they don't conflict with so-called bio-agriculture [ie organic agriculture].
Professor Klaus Ammann of the University of Berne accused Greenpeace of spreading "lies" in this respect. Professor Walter Heldt of the University of Goettingen and chairman of the Academic Union Commission for Green Genetic Technology emphatically called for an objective instead of an ideological discussion about green genetic technology.
This manifesto, compiled in Berlin by the so-called Interacademy Panel, will be submitted to all science academies around the World for ratification. It is probable that a majority of the academies will support the paper, which could then be presented to the public, in December.
© Copyright Die Welt
Original text
Die Akademien der Wissenschaft setzen sich für "Gen-Food" ein
BERLIN - Auf einer internationalen Tagung der Akademien der Wissenschaft haben am Wochenende in Berlin zwölf führende Forscher der Grünen Gentechnik an einem Manifest gearbeitet, das den hohen Stellenwert dieser Technologie verdeutlichen soll. Die Akademie-Forscher aus Deutschland, China, Südafrika, Indien, Frankreich, Ägypten, der Schweiz sowie den USA stellten einmütig fest, daß genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel mindestens genauso sicher seien, wie andere Nahrungsgüter. Genetisch veränderte Pflanzen stellten keine Gefahr für die Umwelt dar, und sie ständen auch nicht im Widerspruch zur sogenannten biologischen Landwirtschaft. Professor Klaus Ammann von der Universität Bern warf in diesem Zusammenhang der Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace die Verbreitung von "Lügen" vor. Professor Hans Walter Heldt von der Universität Göttingen und Vorsitzender der Kommission Grüne Gentechnik der Akademieunion forderte nachdrücklich eine sachliche statt ideologisch geprägte Diskussion über Grüne Gentechnik.
Das jetzt in Berlin vom sogenannten Interacademy Panel (iap) erarbeitete Manifest wird allen Wissenschaftsakademien der Welt zur Ratifizierung vorgelegt. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, daß sich eine Mehrheit für das Papier aussprechen wird. Es könnte dann im Dezember offiziell der Weltöffentlichkeit vorgestellt werden.
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Source: Die Welt
2.Klaus Ammann
GM WATCH profile
Klaus Ammann is Director of the Botanical Garden, University of Bern, Switzerland
With John Beringer, Julian Kinderlerer, Alan McHughen and Mark Tepfer, Ammann formed the International Society for Biosafety Research, whose journal, Environmental Biosafety Research, he edits.
He sits on steering committees for the following groups:
*The European Science Foundation group, Assessment of Impacts of Genetically Modified Plants (AIGM)
*Gensuisse, a GM promotion group funded by the pharmaceutical industry body Interpharma Internutrition - a promotion group for GM foods. It has in its working group representatives from the food industry (e.g. Nestlé) as well as chemical/GM companies Monsanto, Hoffmann LaRoche, DuPont, and Syngenta.
He is on the Executive Board of the European Federation of Biotechnology, an organisation of scientists wishing to promote biotechnology, which has an extensive corporate membership.
Ammann is co-editor of the Bio-Scope Frankfurt-Bern website, supported by GM industry group Europabio.
With C S Prakash and others, Ammann signed an 'Open Letter to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development' (April 2000). The letter warned the Commission against 'needless over-regulation' of GM on the grounds of "the very real threat that an overly-strict adherence to precautionary regulation could pose to both the environment and to the well being of human populations around the world."
Ammann edits a pro-GM e-mail list and played a leading role together with CS Prakash in circulating and encouraging the attacks on Quist and Chapela and their paper on Mexican maize contamination published in Nature.