A total 1,806 municipalities in Italy have so far chosen to declare their territories GMO-free. Fighting against transgenic crops are also 14 Italian regions [out of a total of 20] and 27 provinces.
GMO-Free municipalities reach 248 in Piedmont, Italy
ANSA, December 21, 2004
Source: http://www.ansa.it/main/notizie/regioni/piemonte/piemonte_oggi.html
TURIN (ANSA) - A total of 248 of the 1,209 municipalities in the northern Italian region of Piedmont have declared themselves free from genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), Italian farmers' association Coldiretti said on December 21, 2004.
The number of GMO-free municipalities in the province of Turin has reached 26, including Almese, Brozolo, Brusasco, Bussoleno, Cambiano, Caprie, Carmagnola, Chieri, Cirié, Coazze, Condove, Cumiana, Foglizzo, Grugliasco, La Loggia, Mazzé, Orbassano, Piossasco, Rivoli, San Didero, Settimo Torinese, Strambino, Turin, Val della Torre, Vidracco and Villarpellice. The mountain community of Bassa Valle Susa has also undertaken Coldiretti's initiative to protect itself from transgenic crops.
The list of GMO-free municipalities in Piedmont is expected to expand as the provincial branch of Coldiretti in Turin has called upon all towns, mountain communities and the province itself to become part of the GMO-free campaign.
A total 1,806 municipalities in Italy have so far chosen to declare their territories GMO-free. Fighting against transgenic crops are also 14 Italian regions [out of a total of 20 regions] and 27 provinces.
The greatest number of GMO-free municipalities, 248, is in the northern region of Piedmont, followed by the southern region of Campania with 196. The region with the highest share of GMO-free municipalities is Lazio where 44 pct of all municipalities refuse to grow transgenic crops. (ANSA).
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