More on IUCN moratorium on GMOs
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IUCN Urges Time Out for Genetically Modified Organisms
from Environmental News Service
BANGKOK, Thailand, November 22, 2004 (ENS) - Members of the world's largest conservation organization today called for a halt to the release of genetically modified organisms. Meeting in Bangkok, delegates from 1,000 organizations at the IUCN World Conservation Congress are debating 114 motions to decide the future direction of IUCN The World Conservation Union.
IUCN Director General Achim Steiner is leading 4,000 delegates from governments and non-governmental organizations through two weeks of heated debates and tough decisions. (Photo courtesy IISD)
The question with respect to genetically modified organisms boiled down to whether the IUCN should encourage a moratorium on genetically modified organisms, or help establish a sound body of knowledge on their environmental risks and impacts. At the Members Business Assembly today, delegates from both the government and the NGO sectors approved a moratorium by a wide margin.