"Strike the Fiercest Blow Against Monsanto"
Broad anti-GMO Alliance Announces Launching of National and International Campaign vs. MONSANTO
NEWS RELEASE [Philippines]
June 5, 2003
The Resistance and Solidarity Against Agrochemical TNCs (RESIST!) - the broadest and largest anti-GMO alliance in the country - announced the launching of a national BOYCOTT campaign against agro-chemical giant Monsanto and its products.
The RESIST announced the campaign in a press conference in Quezon City today coinciding with the launching of the result of an-in depth research on Monsanto by University of Washington, Ph D candidate and MASIPAG researcher/writer, Sarah Wright. The paper, entitled Selling Food, Health, Hope: The Real Story Behind Monsanto Corporation exposed the hidden skeletons behind Monsanto corporation.
Rafael Mariano, Chairperson of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) and RESIST Convenor stated, "Monsanto is one of the major violators of farmers' rights and a threat to the world's food security. Filipino farmers have learned their lessons well from the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution. KMP and all its chapters nationwide are launching a nationwide BOYCOTT campaigns versus Monsanto products."
The KMP said farmers should boycott these products of Monsanto: Family of Roundup herbicide, Harness herbicide (corn), Machete herbicide (rice), Asgrow seeds, DEKALB seeds and Hartz seeds.
The group likewise listed these genetically modified-varieties in its boycott list: the controversial Yieldgard (Bt-corn) which has been approved by the Department of Agriculture for local application, Bollgard, InGard, and the Roundup ready (corn).
Dr. Giovanni Tapang, President of scientists' organization AGHAM and RESIST Convenor said, "We are urging farmers, scientists, environmentalists and individuals to join us in our struggle against Monsanto and agrochemical TNCs. Monsanto must answer and pay for its criminal and civil liabilities against the peoples of the world."
Tapang also challenged Monsanto and pro-GMO "scientists" in a public debate to expose the "poisons" of GMO's.
RESIST!, the Philippine counterpart of the International Alliance Against Agrochemical TNCs (IAAATNCs), stated that an international campaign against Monsanto is being planned.
RESIST! Agrochem TNCs
Resistance and Solidarity Against Agrochemical TNCs
c/o The Secretariat: 17-D Kasing-Kasing St., East Kamias, QC Telefax
(632) 434-5467 email: resist_sect@yahoo.com
Meet Uncle Sam's very own GM Information Minister - code name: Comical
Praki: http://www.ngin.org.uk/comical_ali_animated.gif Black
propaganda, covert operations, Words of Mass Deception... Comical
Praki's the man! For more on Comical Praki, see THE PANTS ON FIRE HOT
SHOT: http://ngin.tripod.com/pantsoftheyearaward.htm
hmmm... knew we should have given this guy a pants award!