The transcript of Devinder Sharma's Hyderabad speech 'Biotechnology: Exploiting the poor and hungry' is now available online:
The Face of AgBioView
Andrew Apel edits a biotech industry newsletter. Even allowing for the horrendous nature of recent events, the unpleasantness and inanity of the material on AgBioView has surely reached an all time low with Prakash putting out such a disgusting and personal attack.
From: Andrew Apel <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> to AgBioView
Subject: The Face of Terrorism
With the recent attacks on workers in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, attacks perpetrated by those who put political ideology above human life, we have an opportunity to re-evaluate the politics of Greenpeace (which has openly declared human welfare to be at the bottom of its agenda), and similar groups which advocate destruction and its attendant misery as a means of advancing their purposes. Those who destroy for political purposes are not unknown to this group.
Some strike at "globalization" by destroying opportunities for those in developing countries to feed themselves; others strike at "globalization" by destroying research which could improve relationships between agriculture and the environment, others strike at "globalization" by killing innocents in more direct ways. With the plane-bombs, we can see all of these groups for what they are. Groups politically committed to destructive politically-motivated action rather than intelligent dialogue.
The activists who spit upon and hurled rocks and offal at those scientists in New Zealand who joined with the Royal Commission in advocating a peaceful coexistence between different forms of agriculture, must now be viewed in a different light - the activists must now be viewed as cultural vandals, who carelessly leave death and poverty in their wake.
Perhaps after the crudescence of terrorism in New York and Washington, the world will wake up to the politically-motivated destruction advocated by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Earth Liberation Front, Masipag, the Confederation Paysanne, the Genoa Social Front and others, and see that this is wrong. Seattle, Washington, Prague, Quebec, Genoa, are all part of the same wrong.
And this is wrong. Vandana Shiva has blood on her hands, so does Mae-Wan Ho. So do others of their ilk.
I recommend these folks lay low, very low, until political terrorism becomes fashionable again.