Global GMO Food Legislation
Prepared by Greenpeace 3rd April 2001
Below is a partial review of legislative action being taken by 33 other governments to identify and halt genetically engineered food. As one of the worldÃs leading food exporters these policies are very relevant to Thailand which has already lost markets because of GE food contamination (see separate 'lost markets' report)
On December 24, 2000, Algeria introduced a draft ministerial order ìto prohibit the import, the distribution, the commercialization and the utilization of genetically modified plant materialî11Times New Roman Declaration of Minister of Agriculture, 24th Dec 2000- Democratic Peoples Republic of AlgeriaArial
Australia and New Zealand
The Australian New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) is responsible for scrutinizing new GE foods intended for the market. Australia and New Zealand have adopted a labeling regime for genetically modified foods that will come into force in July 2001.22 USDA FAS GAIN Report #AS9026 6/4/1999 Australia and genetically modified Organisms 1999
In 1998 Greenpeace won an injunction saying that no genetically engineered Roundup Ready (RR) soya may enter the country before there are proper labeling rules in place. In August 1999 a federal judge of the Court of Brasilia upheld this decision and decided in favor of another Greenpeace injunction against the planting of RR soya. The need for labeling rules was reconfirmed by the Federal Court of Brasilia in June 2000 but at this time there are still no such rules implemented.
Czech Republic
Labeling of GE foods will be required from 2002. Otherwise Czech law is being enacted to harmonize with EU regulations covering GE food.33 USDA GAIN report #EZ0020 12/29/2000 ìCzech republic Biotechnology new law comes into Force January 1, 2001)
All 15 countries of the European Union
The EU Novel Food regulation regulates the marketing and labelling of products which are genetically engineered or derived from GE organisms. An additional labelling regulation applies to Roundup Ready soya and Syngenta Bt maize requiring labelling of food products in which the DNA or the new protein of GE- crops is detectable. In April 2000 additives and aromas were added to the labelling regulation if DNA is detectable in the end product. 44 Commission regulation 50/2000 of 10 January 2000 on the labelling of foodstuffs and food ingredients containing additives and flavourings that have been genetically modified or have been produced from genetically modified organisms. Regulations for GE animal feed and products from animals which were fed on GE feed is planned and under discussion.
Although some GMOs such as Roundup Ready Soya, Aventis rapeseed oil and Syngenta Bt maize have clearance for use in food products. There is currently a defacto moratorium on any new GE product approvals while EU ministers tighten regulations. Portugal, Luxembourg, Austria and Germany have further banned Syngenta Bt maize while France and Greece have banned Aventis rapeseed. The EU is planning to improve labeling and make traceability of products mandatory.
Hong Kong
In January 2000 the Legislative Council of Hong Kong supported a motion demanding mandatory labelling of GE products with a 39 out of 47 majority. Now the Government has set up a task force to draft the details of a comprehensive labelling system. The proposal is expected to be reviewed by the Legislative Council later this year. 55 Policy Address 2000 (October 2000) HK: government printer.
South China Morning Post (1 April 2000) "GM Food Labelling Policies Imminent"Public consulations in this regard are now being undertaken.
IsraelÃs ministry of health is preparing regulations for the labeling of GMOÃs. They will require that food be labeled if it contains more than 1% of GMO components, and otherwise will be similar to the EU regulations concerning GMOs.66 Israel to adopt GMO labeling
The Government of Japan cpreviously operated a voluntary safety review for genetically engineered products. This review became mandatory on April 1 2001. Japan also adopted mandatory labeling for certain GE products at the same time where they consitute more than 5% of the final product.77 USDA GAIN report #JA0128 11/8/2000 ìAgricultural biotechnology in Japan 2000î Some GE ingredients remain banned including Starlink corn.
Republic of Korea
The Korean government will begin requiring mandatory labeling for GE foods from 1st March with strict enforcement from 1st September 2001. Those selling food are expected to show certification documents as to the GE status of their products. Anyone found to be falsely labeling would face a 3-year jail sentence or 30 million won fine. Those who fail to label will face a 10 million won fine. 88 USDA GAIN report #KS1009 3/2/2001 ‘Republic of Korea Biotechnology Enforcement of Biotech labelling for unprocessed commodities 2001’
In March 2000 the upper house of Mexico's Senate unanimously approved a health bill that would require GE foodstuffs to be labeled. Foods containing GE ingredients would need to carry labels reading "Food made with genetically modified products." The law is awaiting approval by the Chamber of Deputies. 99 Reuters (31 March 2000) Mexican Senate passes bill on genetic food labels.
Norway is regarded as having some of the strictest GE rules worldwide. The government has banned the import of several GE crops and products, which contain antibiotic resistance genes. The government also requires labeling of GE foods.
The use of GMOs in Paraguay’s agricultural sector is banned in 2000/2001 specifically soya beans. 110 USDA GAIN report #PA0007 6/23/2000 ‘Paraguay Biotechnology: Paraguay Renews GMO Planting restrictions’
There are a number of bills in the Philippine Senate and Congress concerning the labeling of GE crops. The new President and Secretary of Agriculture have made GE labeling a government priority and are soon expected to publish details of GE labeling requirements.
The Polish government announced in April 2000 that all genetically modified food products would have to be labeled. The Ministry of Environmental Protection decided that the information should be on the package in easy-to-read captions in contrasting colors. 111 Polish News Bulletin (25 April 2000) New Regulations for Genetically Modified Foods. p. 19.1
Russia instituted a GE consumer product labeling law on July 1st 2000. Food and medical products derived from GE sources that contain GE proteins must be labeled. Information on GE sources must also be included in shipping documents.112 USDA GAIN report #RS9057 11/24/1999 'Russian federation Food and Agricultural Import regulations and standards - Russian biotech labelling law' 1999 2
Saudi Arabia
The government has banned animal products that are made from Genetically Engineered organisms and has also implemented very strict labeling requirements for GE foods to come into force December 2001. GE foods must be marked with a triangle and a warning in both Arabic and English. GE foods entering the country must also be accompanied by a health certificate. 113 USDA GAIN report #SA0021 12/18/2000
‘Saudi Arabia Biotechnolgy ? Saudi Arabia Bans Imports of GMO Animal Products, revises GMO labelling & Extends Grace period’ 3
Food products, including additives, and animal feed stuffs which are or contain genetically altered matter have to be labeled as 'genetically modified organism' or 'contain genetically modified organism'. As of January 2000, Switzerland is the first country where drugs containing GMOs must be labeled.114 Swiss Federal Health Office (14 June 2000) Deklarationslimite für gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel. Press release. SR 916.307 Verordnung über die Produktion und das Inverkehrbringen von Futtermitteln. Art. 23 Deklaration gentechnisch veränderter Futtermittel.4
The Taiwanese government presented an outline of new labeling regulations on November 29 2000. Under the proposal mandatory labeling will be established for all GE food products. The regulation will first apply to maize and soybeans and later on also to other agricultural products. 115 USDA FAS attaché report - Dec 4 2000
1 Declaration of Minister of Agriculture, 24th Dec 2000- Democratic Peoples Republic of Algeria
2 USDA FAS GAIN Report #AS9026 6/4/1999 Australia and genetically modified Organisms 1999
3 USDA GAIN report #EZ0020 12/29/2000 ìCzech republic Biotechnology new law comes into Force January 1, 2001)
4 Commission regulation 50/2000 of 10 January 2000 on the labelling of foodstuffs and food ingredients containing additives and flavourings that have been genetically modified or have been produced from genetically modified organisms.
5 Policy Address 2000 (October 2000) HK: government printer.
South China Morning Post (1 April 2000) "GM Food Labelling Policies Imminent"
6 Israel to adopt GMO labeling
7 USDA GAIN report #JA0128 11/8/2000 ìAgricultural biotechnology in Japan 2000î
8 USDA GAIN report #KS1009 3/2/2001 ‘Republic of Korea Biotechnology Enforcement of Biotech labelling for unprocessed commodities 2001’
9 Reuters (31 March 2000) Mexican Senate passes bill on genetic food labels.
10 USDA GAIN report #PA0007 6/23/2000 ‘Paraguay Biotechnology - Paraguay Renews GMO Planting Restrictions’
11 Polish News Bulletin (25 April 2000) New Regulations for Genetically Modified Foods. p. 19.
12 USDA GAIN report #RS9057 11/24/1999 ‘Russian federation Food and Agricultural Import regulations and standards - Russian biotech labelling law’ 1999
13 USDA GAIN report #SA0021 12/18/2000 ‘Saudi Arabia Biotechnolgy - Saudi Arabia Bans Imports of GMO Animal Products, revises GMO labelling & Extends Grace period’
14 Swiss Federal Health Office (14 June 2000) Deklarationslimite für gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel. Press release. SR 916.307 Verordnung über die Produktion und das Inverkehrbringen von Futtermitteln. Art. 23 Deklaration gentechnisch veränderter Futtermittel.
15 USDA FAS attaché report ? Dec 4 2000 ‘Taiwan Bioengineered Food Labeling Proposal’