To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (STOTT)
Dear Prof Stott
I enjoyed the Radio Tirane allusion although I seem to have come across it somewhere before - perhaps a Spectator column, don't think it will have been the Guardian. Of course, if we get to be RT, that perhaps makes you the Voice of America.
As for your concern that people be allowed to come to honest conclusions that may be different from one's own, aren't you a subscriber to the AgBioView e-mailing list? If so, I seem to have somehow missed all your postings upbraiding contributors for accusations against environmentalists of murder, genocide, terrorism, and their being worse than Hitler (I've come across all of these just in the last few months) -- oh, and of course our getting"big dollar" from the organic multinationals!
Your linguistic sensibility also sits a little strangely, to my mind, with the owner of an 'anti eco-hype'website who puts phrases like 'hegemonic mythmaking' into his book titles.
When it comes down to it, aren't we all aboard the good ship Motes and Beams?
Best wishes
Jonathan Matthews
STOTT wrote:
Dear NGIN and Jean,
As for the rest of the text, I just remain wryly amused at a use of language I thought had died out with the old, 'capitalist-running-dog', Radio Tirane!
It is sad, nevertheless, that you seem unable to allow people to come to honest conclusions which may just be different from your own.
Best wishes,
Philip Stott