British farmers betrayed by the NFU
PRESS RELEASE 10th March 2000 - The Gaia Trust
In light of the statement in the National Farmers Union (NFU) insurance policy document (see below) and their refusal to indemnify farmers against any GM damage or liability - however caused - the NFU itself must immediately stop its encouragement and promotion of GM technology and take immediate and direct steps to protect its members from any such GM risk.
NFU insurance, has, by way of its policy, indicated that there are very real and immediate risks from GM technology. If they believed that this technology was safe and risk free they would be happy to insure against it - for a premium. NFU will not indemnify - for any amount of premium. The only reason for this is that they would expect to lose a lot of money - and as this policy comes into force immediately then they obviously see those problems emerging in the immediate future.
As if our farming industry did not already have enough problems they now have to face a very uncertain future of new and previously unknown problems arising from a technology that is inadequately tested and regulated, totally unnecessary and unwanted by its customers, with no recourse to either the government, the biotech companies, their own trade union or their insurance brokers. These are problems which the farmers have no control over, which are caused by foreign corporations and government mismanagement, and by a handful of farmers who being well paid to host experimental field trials regardless of the damage they cause to their neighbours farms and livelihoods.
Our farming industry is on its knees and the NFU itself has just about delivered the final blow - to its own members. By condoning this technology and then refusing to indemnify against problems arising from it, the NFU has betrayed its members. This is treachery and utter betrayal.
We now call upon the NFU to take immediate and direct action to ensure that all outdoor testing of GM crops is stopped immediately, that any GM crops that are already in the ground are immediately destroyed - and that a moratorium is immediately applied until the safety of these crops is so assured that the NFU insurance will indemnify its members.
Our farmers deserve this much - at least - from a union that is supposed to represent and protect the interests of its members.
Kate O'Connell
The Gaia Trust
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