From page 14 of the European Union Grain and feed Annual report 2001 3/16/2001(just posted this week)
"Before 1998/99 the US corn crop has contained several GMO corn varieties for which US marketing companies have not yet received commercialisation approval from the competent EU authorities. Consequently US corn shipments to the EU have come to a standstill in 1999/2000 . Given that GMO approvals are currently suspended in the EU it is very unlikely that eu corn imports from the US will resume in 2001 other than negligible quantities of speciality corn." p14 GAIN report #E21034 European Union Grain and feed Annual report 2001 - 3/16/2001
available online at
"The agribusiness strategy on GMOs... is threatening our export markets at a time when we can't afford any further downward pressure on price." Presentation: Dan McGuire, American Corn Growers Association, Annual Convention, February 4, 2000
"Farmers are really starting to question the profit-enhancing ability of products that seem to be shutting them out of markets worldwide" Cory Ollikka, Canada's National Farmers Union president calling for a moratorium on GM crops, December 2000
"The only farmers making any money off GMOs have been those who are growing non-GMO stuff and can prove it." Linda Edwards, a Canadian farmer, November 27, 2000
"The only truly safe seed selection will be seed corn free of any genetic modification" A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. in a letter to 1,200 of its corn suppliers, November 2000
" guys [US Government] created this monster; you clean it up. I have learned my lesson. No more GMO crops on this farm ”” ever." US farmer and GM seed salesman, Nebraska, Dec 2000
"GM organisms have become the albatross around the neck of farmers" Gary Goldberg, American Corn Growers Association