"We already know today that most of the problems that are to be addressed via Golden Rice and other GMOs can be resolved in matter of days, with the right political will." Hans Herren
In case anyone was in doubt:
Letter to the Editor by Benedikt Haerlin
The London Independent February 17, 2001, Page 2
Sir: Greenpeace is opposed to the intentional release of genetically modified organisms; that is the basis for all our campaigning in all areas of genetic engineering.
Clearly the industry promoting a crop such as golden rice with claims that it could save millions of lives ('Greenpeace promises not to halt trials of GM rice', 10 February) attempts to bring a moral dimension into the debate. What was made clear by me at the press conference in Lyon, but sadly not widely reported, was that there is no evidence that this invention can produce any beneficial effects. The average person would have to consume a massive 9kg of cooked rice per day to prevent symptoms of vitamin deficiency, a figure confirmed by the inventor of the product.
The acknowledgement that we have no plans to disrupt field trials of golden rice is in no way a U-turn in our policy, but simply practical recognition of the resources we have available for our work in the Philippines. Golden rice has not been ruled out as a target for direct action in the future.
BENEDIKT HAERLIN Greenpeace International Genetic Engineering Campaign Coordinator Berlin