Yesterday we reported on the SEEDS OF OPPORTUNITY con-ference and how rightwing contrarian Prof Philip Stott and friends appear to have successfully conned the University of London and the Royal Agricultural College into lending their names to this US-funded, contrarian-directed, propaganda exercise.
Speakers official biographies are now available via the conference website:
Below are details on some alternative info sources on many of the speakers, mostly c/o the Prof Bullsh*t pages <>
If anyone has useful urls on other con-ference speakers, please let us have them as we are considering starting an alternative CON-ference web page.
Prof Bulsh*t's guide to Speakers appearing at 'The Role of Biotechnology in Agriculture' Conference 31st May and 1st June 2001
Charles J Arntzen, PH.D see: 'Watching Dr Pusztai'
Dr Phil Dale see 'BIOSPINOLOGY! Report on leading plant science centre's GM propaganda'
Lord Haskins see 'Northern foods' Haskins at it again' ngin bulletin 26 Feb 2001
Professor Brian Heap see 'How the Nuffield report was fixed'
Sir Robert May see 'The Empire Strikes Back' see also 'Duplicity, double-speak and disappearing first drafts'
Dr. C. S. Prakash, Professor see 'CS Prakash and Lyndon LaRouche' ngin bulletin 13 Feb 2001 see also
Professor Philip Stott - Chairman of the Conference see 'Pro-GM scientists and the extreme right'
Lord Taverne see 'BAD COMPANY - reporting the business of science' see also see also 'SIRC-us latest PRESS COMPLAINTS & Lords support' ngin bulletin 24 Feb 2001
Professor Michael Wilson see: PANTS ON FIRE award winner see also: 'False reports and the smears of men'