Sir John's remark about the dangers of an inability to consider all the facts because of either producer interest, political motivation or ideological certainty", really is a joke from a man who has been agenda-driven since before his appointment to the FSA and who has relentlessly
pursued his pro-GM agenda since taking up that appointment.
For the original Blythman article see:
"...if the FSA is to be anything more than a useless and expensive clone of MAFF, it needs to represent informed consumer opinion. Post-BSE, consumers have shown very clearly what kind of food they trust: it's no coincidence, after all, that our supermarkets are now brimming with organic food, while GM food is being forced off the shelves. Yet the FSA seems to be pursuing a curiously contrary agenda..."
For more of the truth about Krebs and the Krebs agenda see:
* * *
from Sir John Krebs, Chairman, Food Standards Agency
The Guardian - 14 November 2000 - Letters
Food is an issue that can divide people and provoke polarised views. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but Joanna Blythman (Weekend, November 4) does readers a disservice by dressing up opinions and presenting it as fact.
The FSA is accused of "last month seriously considering relaxing safeguards on BSE".
On September 13 we issued our latest draft review saying "Food Standards Agency consults on retaining current controls in BSE review."
We are accused of being out of touch with consumers and dealing in "trivia" in relation to food poisoning. Most consumers would not consider aiming to reduce food-borne illness by 20% over the next five years as trivial.
When I said that organic food has not been shown to be safer or more nutritious than conventional food I wanted to ensure consumers had the facts when making choices.
Ms Blythman says that there is "enhanced safety" in organic food and claims that 43% of conventional fruit and vegetables tested contained pesticide residues. What she omits to say is that they are within acceptable safety limits and at very low levels. Her final proof of organic safety is the claim that organic cattle have not succumbed to BSE. Not true, at least 215, according to Lord Phillips. [bought in from intensive herds presumably]
What this points to is the danger of entrenched views on food safety. Precisely the approach that Lord Phillips criticises as being the harbinger of BSE: an inability to consider all the facts because of either producer interest, political motivation or ideological certainty.
Sir John Krebs
Food Standards Agency