Krebs broadcast on Countryfile on BBC One at 1230 GMT/1130BST on 3 September.
In the same way that Sir John Scott [of our Royal Society] here in New Zealand supported the obnoxious grocery leaflet promoting GE food perhaps Sir John Krebs should see the report below. How much longer should we wait before we accept that we are poisoning ourselves?Robert Anderson
Member Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Genetics
Contaminated Babies
A recent Australian study of the meco-nium (first bowel discharge) of new born babies detected lindane in 78 per cent of samples, chiorpyrifos in 59 per cent, DDT in 52 per cent, PCP in 43 per cent, malathion in 34 per cent, PCB in 27 per cent and chiordane in 16 per cent. There was a mean of three pesticides per baby. While it is not surprising that organochlo-rines like lindane, DDT, chlordane, PCP and PCB were detected, given their persistence and ubiquitous nature, it is surprising that supposedly non-bioaccu-mulative insecticides like chlorpyrifos and malathion were detected. These chemicals are neurotoxic, meaning that they can interfere with the brain and ner-vous system development of the foetus and the neonate, causing life-long deficits in function, as mentioned in the previous article on chiorpyrifos.
Deuble, L., Whitehall, J.F., Bolisetty, S., Patole, S.K., Ostrea, E.M., Whitehall, J.S. Environmental pollutants in meconium in Townsville, Australia. Department of Neonatology, Kirwan Hospital for Women, Townsville. Courtesy of Marianne Lloyd-Smith, National Toxics Network, Australia.)
[From Soil and Health Jul/Aug 2000] -----Original Message-----
From: ngin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date: Saturday, 2 September 2000 23:19
Subject: ngin: Krebs in organic attack
Krebs shows his true colours again
For more on Krebs see:
FOOD FIX: G8, OECD, FSA, Krebs and Paterson
How the Food Standards Agency is part of a global GM spin operation