Jean DeBris says 'Merci!" for all the votes that are flowing in for the inaugural Harold Burson "PANTS ON FIRE" award.
Early comments -- see below -- include some helpful advice on the best way to scorch pants! Now we just need some cheap GM-riddled cotton Ys and some asbestos gloves to handle them with.
Is the PANTS ON FIRE award helping get to the bottom of the GMO debate, we wonder. Certainly UK voters, seem to be going with the big no. 2: Sir John Kraps and the FSA.
CropGen amazingly just on un point at the moment -- perhaps it's time to repost their "We are CroGen and we are angry" e-mail.
Reminder of the roll of dishonour:
ONE: CropGen
TWO: Krebs and the FSA
THREE: Stossel
keep 'em coming!
Hi Folks - Stossel gets my shithead of the month vote. Keep up the good work!
It has to be Krebs & the FSA by a narrow gusset. After all that we were promised by the government after the BSE ‘what BSE?’ problem
IT's a very hard choice but its got to be no. 2
Though all deserve piels of pants well and piels i have to go with 2 and suggest you add some skidders too.
I'm voting for Krebs.
I'd like to see joint winners: Stossel and ABC together with Krebs and BBC -- to show how biospin transcends national boundaries.
As for the singed Y-fronts ... years of bedsit experience has taught me that the best method for singeing pants is to put them on a clothes horse in front of an electric bar fire, and leave them for about twenty mintues while playing air guitar to the radio.
I vote for the FSA, they have really got up my nose
I simply can't choose between CROPGEN and JOHN KREBS/FSA
both irresistible i think.
Mr FSA and Krebs
and Burston Marsteller next time please!
PS We read in SchNews that Burston Marsteller is now a major shareholder in this true? And does this make ITV the next pro-biotech lobby group?
Here is my vote:
<< **NOMINATION TWO: Sir John Krebs and the Food Standards Agency**>>
Excellent work!
PS I hope that the scorched Y-fronts will be made from gueniune GM cotton!!
Thanks to Ron Baxter for forwarding the following:
Originated from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Prof. J. Cummins)
Via: Ban-Gef
September 3, 2000
Prof. Joe Cummins
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"Sir John Krebs is a famous bird brain"
Today Ron Baxter provided an article (below) on Sir John Krebs head of the British Food Standards Agency, who attacked organic agriculture as a fad. Sir John's attack was modeled after the leadership of Alex Avery in the United States.
It was noted that Sir John was a surprise choice for head of the Food Standards Agency. Actually, Sir John was Professor of Bird Behavior at Oxford. The selection committee was deeply impressed by his research showing that the brains of birds grow after those birds stored food. The selection committee felt much smarter after packing their pantries and kitchen cabinets with nuts and berries.
Sir John's strong point turned out to be establishing pecking orders. For example, at the Edinburgh Meeting on Genetically Modified Foods Sir John invited Dr Arpad Pusztai as the sole spokesperson opposing genetically modified (GM) foods then surrounded him with a flock of fluttering twits all criticizing the good doctor and opposition to GM foods. It seems clear that Sir John identifies himself with his research subjects and who has ever heard of fair play among the fowl?
Prof. Joe Cummins
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>>>> Krebs shows his true colours again <<<<<<
For more on Krebs see:
FOOD FIX: G8, OECD, FSA, Krebs and Paterson
How the Food Standards Agency is part of a global GM spin operation
The Times, September 2nd
Organic produce attacked by food agency
BY NICK NUTTALL, ENVIRONMENT CORRESPONDENT CONSUMERS who believe that organic produce has nutritional and food-safety benefits are wasting their money, the head of the Food Standards Agency said yesterday. In a devastating attack, Professor Sir John Krebs characterised organic food, which has been promoted by such figures as the Prince of Wales, as an image-led fad. Supporters of organic farming hit back by accusing Sir John of being out of touch with consumers and of being in the pockets of the biotechnology industry.