If you saw Sunday's 3-carrot platform for the extreme views of Sir John Krebs on the beeb's Countryfile, why not contact the programme and query how this was promoted to the media on the basis of the ludicrous 3-carrot science that gave Sir John such an ideal platform, with little balance. Their address is <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> Obviously make comments as individual as poss.
Incidentally, Jean DeBris tells me that Countryfile has been dragged over the coals for promoting GM & biotech in the past, after an internal Beeb enquiry slapped their wrists for one-sided journalism in 1998. A complaint of bias was upheld in relation to an item which referred to GM crops which suggested that their use was inevitable, without presenting opposing views
In Sunday's programme there was balance but it was minimal given the extremity of the views and the dubious science platform provided. Jean DeBris also tells me Countryfile had another complaint over fairness and accuracy upheld in 1999. M. DeBris asks, "Three in a row?"