- The GM companies profit from patents, expensive GM seeds, and increased pesticide sales.
- Monsanto has systematically bought up the major seed companies.
- Monsanto is now the world's largest seed firm.
- Monsanto holds a near monopoly in the biotech "traits" incorporated in GM seeds and aggressively enforces its rights.
- Monsanto, one of the world's largest pesticide manufacturers, markets Roundup, the world's biggest selling pesticide.
- Roundup is used in conjunction with Monsanto's GM ("Roundup Ready") seeds – the most common type of GM crop.
- In the U.S., the Organization for Competitive Markets (OCM) says Monsanto's market power is driving up prices and devastating farmers and their communities.
- In the developing world, GM seeds are not only expensive for poor farmers but tie them in to the expensive pesticides and fertilizers GMOs require.
Who benefits from GM crops?
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