GMWatch provides the public with the latest news and comment on genetically modified (GMO) foods and crops and their associated pesticides.
GMWatch is an independent organisation that seeks to counter the enormous corporate political power and propaganda of the GMO industry and its supporters. It does this through its website, email lists, social media (Twitter/X, Mastodon and Bluesky), and other outreach and campaigning activities. GMWatch was founded in 1998 by Jonathan Matthews and its directors and managing editors are Jonathan Matthews and Claire Robinson.
GMWatch gratefully acknowledges donations from many individual supporters as well as NGOs, charitable foundations, and trusts. In terms of institutional funders, in 2024 GMWatch received funding from the Edith Maryon Foundation, the TOP Fund, and Gen-ethische Stiftung. In 2023 GMWatch received funding from the Edith Maryon Foundation, the Blue Moon Trust and the TOP Fund. In 2022 GMWatch received funding from the TOP Fund, Corporate Europe Observatory and the Blue Moon Trust. In 2021 GMWatch received funding from the Sheepdrove Trust, the Blue Moon Trust and the TOP Fund. In 2020 and 2019 GMWatch received funding from the Sheepdrove Trust. Between 2015–2018 GMWatch received funding from Friends of the Earth Europe, the Sheepdrove Trust and the JMG Foundation. In 2014 GMWatch received funding from the Isvara Foundation, Food Democracy Now!, and the Sheepdrove Trust. In 2013 and 2012 GMWatch received funding from Friends of the Earth Europe, the Isvara Foundation and the Courtyard Trust. In 2011 GMWatch received funding from Friends of the Earth Europe, Friends of the Earth UK, the Soil Association, and the Courtyard Trust. Between July 2011 and May 2012 a GMWatch editor received payment from the Institute of Responsible Technology (IRT) for editorial support to the IRT's newsletters. GMWatch is also supported by the work of dedicated volunteers in different countries around the world.
GMWatch Ltd is a not for profit private company limited by guarantee, registered no. 13348994. Our registered address is: GMWatch Ltd · 99 Brentwood Road · Brighton, Sussex BN1 7ET, UK.