My name is Claire Robinson and I’m an editor at GMWatch. I don’t like asking for money but we need your financial support to keep doing our job.
You know how much we do in terms of explaining the science and (un)covering the politics and spin. And we’ve been doing it now for over 20 years in the face of sustained abuse, legal threats, cyber attacks, and even visits from counterterrorism officers!
The journalist George Monbiot says our “work has been a constant inspiration and a primary source of information for the movements opposing GM crops”. He describes us as prolific, highly readable, irreverent and accurate, and says our investigative work is “second to none”.
And in 2019 we’re not planning to rest on our laurels.
Jonathan Matthews, the founder of GMWatch, quit his day job this year to join me full time. You’ll know Jonathan’s work from his amazing exposés of industry dirty tricks and GMO promoters, like Kevin Folta and Mark Lynas, but he’s also a great editor. And he has built up a massive following for GMWatch on Twitter, which he uses to publicize the global movement of opposition to GMOs and all the toxic pesticides that come with them.
In 2019 the battles over GMOs, the new GMO techniques, and glyphosate, dicamba and the like, are all set to become fiercer than ever. Please help us to be at the forefront in our reporting, and to continue to get the word out on what’s happening worldwide.
With us, what you give really makes a difference. And a regular donation will help put us on a much firmer financial footing.
You make what we do possible so thank you for your support!
With very best wishes for the holiday season and the new year,