French farmer not the only one to face retaliation for challenging the pesticide industry. Report: Jonathan Matthews
The obsession with deregulating gene editing will harm farmers, according to an organic entrepreneur and a professor of plant physiology
Attack appears to be retaliation for publicising the dangers of pesticides. By Jonathan Matthews
Environment minister said she doesn't see the need for new regulations for GMOs
In vitro random mutagenesis is confirmed as not within scope of GMO regulation; gene editing remains within scope. Report: Claire Robinson
Vixen Valentino delves into the latest trolling tactic deployed against her and GMWatch. By Jonathan Matthews
World’s first GM food animal has struggled to find a market
Peers’ concerns echoed those of three government agencies – but the bill will likely pass into law unamended
Third World Network summarises new study findings
Case will finally be heard in South African High Court
Third World Network summarises the findings of an important new study
Company's US patents are now being challenged. Report: Claire Robinson
Dr Michael Antoniou and Claire Robinson deconstruct the myths
Lord Robert Winston says GMO deregulation could have "global repercussions", but voices of caution are drowned out by a sea of lies and falsehoods
International academics question gene editing’s claimed precision, low cost and speed. Report: Claire Robinson
Beyond GM and GMWatch highlight unresolved problems with "incautious" and damaging legislation
Long-term impacts to ecosystems and human health are unknown
GMWatch findings follow publication of peer-reviewed paper showing extensive conflicts of interest in UK food regulatory agencies. By Claire Robinson
There's no proof that gene editing has made any contribution to drought tolerance or pathogen resistance – or will do any time soon. By Claire Robinson
Don and Barb Dunklee work to counter some of the devastating effects of GM glyphosate-tolerant crops on the US ecosystem
Future Fields' EntoEngine insects have serious environmental and ethical downsides. Report by Claire Robinson; technical advice by Dr Michael Antoniou
Farmers and small seed companies, as well as biodiversity and food, are threatened
Except in very special cases, no toxicological or feeding studies are planned
Technical Expert Committee’s recommendation of ban on GM herbicide-tolerant crops is violated