Video: Making a killing from the food crisis
The Real News, May 13 2008

Devlin Kuyek explains how the likes of Cargill, Dupont, Monsanto, and others are doubling and tripling prices and profits while people around the world are suffering an increased threat from hunger.

Devlin Kuyek is a researcher on global agribusiness for GRAIN. He is also the author of The Real Board of Directors: The construction of biotechnology policy in Canada, and Good Crop/Bad Crop: Seed Politics and the Future of Food in Canada .
Making a killing from the food crisis
A new report by GRAIN -

The world food crisis is hurting a lot of people, but global agribusiness firms, traders and speculators are raking in huge profits.

GRAIN, "Making a killing from hunger: We need to overturn food policy, now!" Against the grain, April 2008,
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