Latest news: 3rd of August 2011 Friends,
In spite of a great effort on the part of many people both in Poland and abroad on 31st July the Senate of the Polish parliament voted to pass into law the 'Seeds Act' which legalises the planting of GM seeds in Poland.
Parliamentarians and senators from Civic Platform and the Peasant Party, the ruling coalition parties, cast their votes in favour of the Act, defeating opposition by a small majority. Now only the President of Poland – who has to sign off this Act can prevent it from becoming law. He has 21 days to do this from the date of the parliamentary vote and here lies a last chance for us to block the passage of this disastrous Act.
We have to act fast to have any chance of saving the Polish countryside and food chain from sliding into irreversible GM contamination: please dear friends of Poland, write immediately to President Komorowski demanding that he rejects this totally unjustifiable Act and recognises the huge resistance shown by Polish citizens to any form of GMO entering the food chain.
BELOW there is a suggestion of how to frame this letter – you can use it verbatim if you do not have time to write yourself: copy the below letter, ADD YOUR NAME AT THE END and send an e-mail to:
the president with a copy to us.
If you can donate to our campaign please see here.
Best wishes,
Jadwiga and Julian
ICPPC – International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside,
34-146 Stryszów 156, Poland tel./fax +48 33 8797114 e-mail
Szanowny Pan Prezydent Bronislaw Komorowski,
I am shocked to hear that the senate of the Polish parliament has decided to support the introduction of GM seeds into Poland.
Such a deeply irresponsible action could only be undertaken by people who do not understand the huge risks involved in releasing genetically modified organisms into the environment, thus contaminating, most likely irreversibly, the entire national food chain.
I therefore do most sincerely urge you dear President, to act positively in defence of your Country's international reputation for high quality food, renowned natural biodiversity and in consideration of the future health and welfare of Polish and indeed, all European citizens, by keeping GM seeds out of Poland.
Please understand, that opening Poland up for GM planting will be recognised by European consumers as a reason to avoid buying Polish food, and will put Poland in a disadvantageous competitive position with other European Countries that have already banned GM crops.
I understand that you can use your Presidential prerogative to stop this Seeds Act becoming law. You will surely be thanked by millions of European citizens for taking such a responsible stance.
With kind regards,
Hello Friends!
This letter is a call to action... we need your urgent support!
Once again the ugly face of GMO is rising above the parapet of parliamentary affairs in Poland and a crucial vote is imminent.
The situation so far..
We have managed to block any passage through parliament of a "GMO Act" via which the present government would introduce 'freedom of choice' for farmers to plant GM crops in Poland .
We have held mass 'GMO Free Poland' picnics, staged press conferences, dressed up as Frankenstein potatoes, made street demos and sent thousands of letters to parliamentarians demanding a GMO Free Poland and a complete ban on the planting of GM crops. As a result more and more people are waking up to the incalculable risk associated with cultivating GM crops and ingesting GM foods.
However the corporate lobby, in cahoots with government, are using their financial clout and control over the media, to try to force GM foods and seeds into the public domain.
The situation today..
A second act of parliament concerning GMO is 'The Seeds Act' and this is now being revived in order to find a new way of sneaking GM into the Polish food chain. Up until now the Seeds Act has contained a short phrase saying "No GM seeds will be permitted on the official seeds list" (in Poland). But the government party (Civic Platform) and another party (PSL) have come together and voted to drop this phrase from the Act.. which means that GM seeds would become legal.
They have however, also done something extremely tricky: they have inserted a phrase saying „It is prohibited to trade GM seeds.” So you see what the game is: make those who oppose GMO think that government has introduced a ban (on trading) while at the same time the doors are opened for 'GM planting' on the fields!
Simultaneously, this government is trying to restrict non hybrid, 'regional' (traditional) seeds to just 10% of the seed market. The aim is clear: put the food chain in the hands of corporate agribusiness and knock out the small and independent producers and traders. This means the end of Real Food.
The Action!
We are calling for your help to arrest this madness. This 'Seeds Act' is due to be voted on in the Senate any day. It has already passed through the Lower House.
Please write now to:
1. the chairman of the Senate Bogdan Borusewicz , ,
phone +48 58 320-84-83, fax +48 58 320-84-84),
2. to the Prime Minister Donald Tusk ,
tel.: +48 (22) 694 6000 fax: +48 (22) 625 26 37)
3. Please also send us a copy of your letter!
Call on them to stop this Seeds Act going through. Many Poles are crying out for us to ask for international help. Such help has been
invaluable in the past and will be again now!
Just a couple of paragraphs expressing your solidarity with those who are demanding a GMO Free Poland/Europe could tip the balance in our favour. Short personal letters are much stronger than 'ready' letters which are usually deleted en masse.
With warm wishes, Julian and Jadwiga
ICPPC – International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside,
Miedzynarodowa Koalicja dla Ochrony Polskiej Wsi
34-146 Stryszów 156, Poland tel./fax +48 33 8797114