No-one is buying GM canola in WA
Media release: GM canola unsellable
Office of Lynn MacLaren MLC, 29th June 2011
The WA Agriculture Minister has admitted in Parliament that none of the genetically modified (GM) canola grown in Western Australia last year had been sold, sparking renewed calls for an inquiry into the lifting of the moratorium on GM canola from Greens spokesperson on GMOs Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC. [1]
Ms MacLaren says "When lifting the moratorium, Agriculture Minister Terry Redman claimed that the introduction of GM canola would have no impacts on markets - this revelation raises serious questions about that claim. Farmers should be asking why they weren't told that there was a danger their canola couldn't be sold before the current growing season, so they could make an informed decision about whether to plant GM canola or not."
"At a recent forum in Manjimup, DAFWA's executive director, David Bowran stated that last year's GM canola had been sold to Pakistan. Farmers rely on DAFWA for reliable information, so I have to question on what evidence this claim is based," added Ms MacLaren.
"Ninety-five per cent of WA's canola went to Europe last year - a market with no tolerance for GM canola. Canola is an open pollinated crop, so now that GM canola has been introduced in the state it is only a matter of time before our non-GM shipments get contaminated and start being rejected," said Ms MacLaren.
"Canada completely lost its canola exports to Europe and WA risks the same thing happening here if it continues down the GM path," added Ms MacLaren.
"Questions also need to be asked about the WA Government's 'New genes for new environments' program. Why is the Government wasting $9 million of taxpayers money developing GM crops when there is no market for them, and traits such as drought and frost tolerance can be more easily developed using other means?" concluded Ms MacLaren.
Ms MacLaren is supporting calls for an inquiry into why the GM canola ban was lifted and an investigation into the process behind the recent sale to Monsanto of a 19.9 per cent stake in the Government owned crop breeding company InterGrain.
Media contacts
Hon. Lynn MacLaren, MLC, Greens WA Spokesperson on GMOs: 0403 721 951
Louise Sales, Research Officer: 0428 207 007
1) Extract from Hansard: Question without notice 464 - Genetically modified food - honey and canola, available at: