
1. Invitation to Protest Activities for IRRI 42nd Anniversary
1. Invitation to Protest Activities for IRRI 42nd Anniversary February 20, 2002

Dear Friends,

Warm Greetings!

For the more than four decades of its existence in the Philippines and Southeast Asia, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) stands, not as a symbol of prosperity and advancement for agriculture and rice farmers, but as a tool to further exploit and oppress the farmers of the world.
IRRI's goals and objectives promised to "improve the well-being of present and future generations of rice farmers and consumers, particularly those with low incomes" and to "generate and disseminate rice-related knowledge and technology of short- and long-term environmental, social, and economic benefit and to help enhance national rice research systems".

In its 42 years of existence, none of these promises have come to fruition. From its leading role in promoting the Green Revolution that pushed farmers further into debt and pesticide dependency, to the illnesses and anti-labor practices suffered by IRRI field workers, IRRI's history is steeped in anti-farmer and anti-worker practices, and research and policies that solely serve the interest of imperialist globalization and agrochemical transnational corporations (agrochem TNCs).

Until today, IRRI's crimes against the farmers, farm workers and the people remain unanswered largely due to Presidential Declaration (PD) 1620 which gives it immunity from any penal, civil and administrative proceedings.  In addition, IRRI seeks to further exploit and deceive the people through the planned field testing of Golden Rice, BB Rice in the Philippines.

IRRI has also earned the ire of farmers throughout the world, particularly Southeast Asia for its exploitation of native rice seedlings for profit such as the Thai Jasmine Rice controversy. As a result, farmers, farmworkers and their supporters remain vigilant and continue to heighten their unity and surge forward with their struggle to close down IRRI.

In this light, the International Alliance Against Agrochem TNCs (IAAATNCs) and the Resistance and Solidarity Against Agrochem TNCs - Philippines (RESIST!) would like to invite you or your organization to participate in the protest and series of activities to be held against IRRI on its 42nd anniversary. These activities will highlight a critique of IRRI's role and research agenda under the Second Green Revolution Program, ever-increasing TNC control in food and agriculture, and intensifying people's resistance.

The main protest will be held on April 4, 2002, in front of the IRRI compound in Los Baños, Laguna. The day before on April 3, there will be a People's Forum on 42 Years of IRRI at UP Los Banos from 9:00am-5:00pm.  In addition to your presence, we also kindly request a MESSAGE OF SOLIDARITY for the said event via email or fax.

Please find [below] the participant's form for the anti-IRRI protest and activities.  The schedule of activities and tentative program for the April 3 forum will be sent to you in the next few days. Send confirmation of your attendance and participant's form to the IAAATNCs Secretariat c/o the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP ­ Peasant Movement of the Philippines) via email  or fax it to (632) 922-0977. Thank you very much and we look forward to your response!

In Solidarity,

Co-Coordinator, IAAATNCs
Chairperson, KMP
April 3-4, 2002
Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines


Office Address:
E-mail Address:    Fax:   Telephone:
Nature and/or Purpose of Organization:
Number of Members:
Mailing Address:

1. Do you need a letter of invitation for securing a Philippine visa? Please list the fax number & email address of the Philippine embassy/consulate in your country.
______ Yes ______ No

2. Can you recommend other organizations in your country or abroad which might be interested in the People's Protest Against IRRI?  If yes, please attach hereto the names of said organizations, mailing addresses, telephone, telefax, and email addresses.

3. What are the activities and programmes of your organization? 
4. Do you prefer vegetarian food?
______ Yes ______ No

5. Is there any other information you wish to convey for the secretariat to consider?

After filling up this form, please send it by fax or e-mail to the following:
IAAATNCs Secretariat
Tel: (632) 433-7208 // Telefax:  (632) 922-0977 // e-mail:
February 17, 2002
The Hindu

New Delhi -- The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, have signed a work plan for collaboration in rice research from 2001 to 2004. The collaboration would include sharing germ plasm on 'super rice' for higher yield and 'golden rice' with vitamin A for better nutrition quality.

Transgenic 'golden rice', which is now being evaluated for safety by the IRRI should be available for transfer to fields within four years, while the ICAR is indigenously working with 'Sambha Mussouri' variety for producing vitamin A rice transgenically which might be available in less than two years.

The ICAR is also set to produce its variety of genetically modified cotton before the next sowing season. The major collaboration research areas are for improvement and development of rainfed rice, hybrid rice technology, biotechnology and rice-based cropping systems. Both the institutes will also collaborate on crop resource management, socio-economic studies, human resource development and joint publications on rice research. The agreement was signed by the Director-General of ICAR, Punjab Singh, and the Director-General of IRRI, Ron Cantrell, here.