

Non-GMO non-browning Opal apple (January 2018)

Non-browning non-GMO apples available (February 2017). See also this.

Opal Apple: Non-browning, non-GMO alternative to GMO apple (March 2015)

Washington State University develops non-GMO, non-browning apple alternative (January 2014)



New red beers are healthier than normal pints, says Carlsberg (August 2024)
"A crimson beer made from red barley has been created that is healthier and tastier than normal pints, according to brewers. ‌Scientists at beer giant Carlsberg have created 'crossover' beers that are imbued with the colourful chemicals found in wines that have been linked to a host of health benefits. ‌The experimental lager is less bitter and contains fewer hops than normal beer thanks to the addition of anthocyanins, chemicals in grape skins that make wine red... Red barley is not made by gene-editing but with specialised natural cross-breeding using techniques developed as part of the Carlsberg Research Laboratory’s own technology, dubbed Find-It, which allows scientists to identify desirable genes in other plants and then breed them into barley to create new varieties." [GMW comment: They are referring to marker assisted selection, a biotechnology that doesn't result in a GMO.]


Broccoli "super soup" may help keep type 2 diabetes at bay (May 2023)
A company called Smarter Food has developed a new strain of broccoli, GRextra, which contains high levels of glucoraphanin and sulforaphane, compounds that the company says can help lower elevated blood glucose levels.


Purple, orange, white, yellow and cream carrots that are crunchier and sweeter than ordinary orange ones (October 2011)


Rainbow-coloured corn bred from old varieties (October 2013)


Ground-durable and drought-tolerant eucalyptus trees (June 2022)
The NZ Dryland Forests Initiative is using conventional breeding to develop eucalyptus trees that are ground-durable (resistant to rotting or being eaten by insects when it is in the ground, such as in fencing, house timbers and decking) and drought-tolerant. In June 2022 the project manager confirmed to a member of the public that they are not using GM.


USDA scientists develop anthocyanin-rich red and purple potatoes – and they're available now (December 2014)


Gene responsible for long grains and pleasing texture can now be bred (using non-GM methods) into existing varieties without sacrificing yield (July 2015)


New breeding program produces non-GMO purple tomatoes with high anthocyanin content (April 2023)

Strong start for YOOM Black Cocktail tomato production (April 2023)
These tomatoes are the colour of black pearl on the outside, with a deep scarlet colour on the inside, and have savory umami flavour. They also contain high levels of anthocyanins.

Building a better-tasting mass-market tomato (though they're not as good as the heirloom ones!) (August 2013)

An aromatic tomato could be looming – a la heirloom varieties, say UF scientists (March 2022)