
GMO Myths & Truths

“GMO Myths and Truths is a very important contribution to the GMO debate. Written in a clear and concise style, it is an invaluable reference” – Dr Jane Goodall DBE, UN Messenger of Peace

“Essential reading for all involved, anywhere, with GM and agrichemicals risk and policy issues” – Professor Brian Wynne

“Scientifically correct, honest, and accessible … demonstrates why corporate claims about the inherent safety of GMOs and their centrality in reducing world hunger are utter nonsense” – Professor Sheldon Krimsky

“Excellent and urgently needed scientific critique of GM crops” – Professor Carlo Leifert

“GMO Myths and Truths is unquestionably the go-to source for up-to-date, scientifically rigorous evidence bearing on genetic modification … makes technical information accessible to the non-specialist.” – Dr Ann Clark

For more about the book and full reviews, see below.

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About the book

It is often claimed that the case against genetically modified (GM) crops and foods is based on emotion, not science, and that to oppose GM crop and food technology is to be anti-science. It is also claimed that GM crops offer higher yields and better nutrition, that they are safe for health and the environment, that they reduce agrochemical use, and that they are needed to feed the world’s growing population. This book, co-authored by two genetic engineers and GMWatch co-director Claire Robinson, exposes these claims as false, using scientific and other documented evidence. GMO Myths and Truths summarises the facts on the safety and efficacy of genetically modified (GM) crops and foods in terms that are accessible to the non-scientist but still relevant to scientists, policymakers and educators. The evidence presented points to many hazards, risks, and limitations of genetic engineering technology. These include harms found in animal feeding and ecological studies, which in turn indicate risks to health and the environment posed by GM crops and foods.

The layout of the book enables those readers with limited time to read the chapter summaries, while providing more detail and full references for those who require them.

The book shows that conventional breeding continues to outstrip GM in developing crops that deliver high yields, better nutrition, and tolerance to extreme weather conditions and poor soils. In agreement with over 400 international experts who co-authored a UN and World Bank-sponsored report on the future of farming, the authors conclude that modern agroecology, rather than GM, is the best path for feeding the world’s current and future populations in a safe and sustainable way.

Editorial reviews

“Many who defend the use of GMO crops and foods claim that there is no evidence that any GMO is harmful to health or the environment. But this is wrong. There is plenty of sound empirical evidence of such harm, presented by qualified scientists in peer-reviewed literature. This book is a succinct summary and documentation of that evidence.” – Richard Jennings, PhD, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK

“GMO Myths and Truths is a very important contribution to the GMO debate. Written in a clear and concise style, it is an invaluable reference for those wanting to learn more about the arguments of proponents and those critical of the technology. I found it of great value in my own efforts to better understand the issue. I hope this information will be widely available to students and to the general public.” – Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, and UN Messenger of Peace

“Using peer-reviewed studies and other documented evidence, GMO Myths and Truths deconstructs the false and misleading claims that are frequently made about the safety and efficacy of GM crops and foods. The book shows that far from being necessary to feed the world, GM crops are a risky distraction from the real causes of hunger. What is more, there is no reason to take this risk, since GM crops do not consistently raise yields, reduce pesticide use, or provide more nutritious food. GM crops and foods have not been shown to be safe to eat – and both animal feeding studies and non-animal laboratory experiments indicate that some GM foods, as well as most of the chemicals required to produce them, are toxic. Fortunately, the book shows that there are effective and sustainable alternatives to GM that can ensure a safe and plentiful food supply for current and future populations. GMO Myths and Truths is an invaluable and easy-to-read resource for everyone, including students, scientists, and members of the general public.” – David Schubert, PhD, Professor and Director, Cellular Neurobiology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, USA

“Genetic engineering and its applications in agriculture are complex topics, even for scientists that are engaged with them. The range of techniques is large, as is the range of their implications for different groups in society, from the farmer, through to the citizen, to the corporation. It is difficult sometimes to have the latest information at the end of the fingertips and to understand the difference in how the same evidence is framed depending on the interests behind the science. GMO Myths and Truths is a great resource for me. It is written in a form that makes it readable to non-experts without losing value for the expert looking for the latest references. It has become one of my standard ‘go-to’ reviews when I need to refresh myself on the history, practice, or technical details in this fast moving, demanding and important area.” – Jack Heinemann, PhD, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

“GMO Myths and Truths is a much needed objective evaluation to separate propaganda and failed promises from the science of this critical topic.” – Don M. Huber, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University

“The role of provider of children’s health care has become an onerous job in this modern era. The rapid demise of children’s health where more children are chronically sick than well is statistically demonstrated in the US. The common denominator to all children’s health is their food. We, as pediatricians, have had to become geneticists and toxicologists to understand the impact of our changing food system in our modern agroenvironment and its effect on our children’s well-being without support from our traditional medical literary sources. Drs Antoniou and Fagan and Claire Robinson have provided a concise reference on the topic of GM foods and their impact that will educate the physician, farmer, citizen and policymaker. From this easily-readable third edition, a busy practitioner is able to extract the necessary information on the state of GM science to be utilized in their medical practice. Thoroughly sourced, this book is a must-read to understand the effects of GM food, Bt toxin, and pesticides, including their impacts on health. Its value is undeniable. It has simplified a very complex science without losing its scientific profundity.” – Michelle Perro, MD, Institute for Health and Healing, California, USA

“To all those concerned citizens, policymakers, journalists, researchers and students who have missed a reliable, unbiased, comprehensive and readable account of plant genetic engineering and its unpredictable consequences: Here it is, and it is a splendid piece of work!” – Terje Traavik, PhD, Professor of Virology and Professor Emeritus of Gene Ecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway; and Scientific Director Emeritus, Gen.k – Centre for Biosafety, Norway

“The global GM commercial and political juggernaut has already corrupted science by promoting a propaganda campaign to misinform the world that ‘science’ has revealed the unqualified safety of GM crops and foods, with no further question. This vitally important book documents the wide-ranging and well-grounded science that demolishes this political deception – a deception that has traduced the good name of science. The book also shows the systematic double standards exercised by those promoting GM, whereby studies claiming to show GM is safe are accepted with lower standards of scientific rigour than those showing evidence of harm and the need for further research. This book is essential reading for all involved, anywhere, with GM and agrichemicals risk and policy issues.” – Brian Wynne, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Science Studies and founding Research Director of the Centre for the Study of Environmental Change (CSEC); and former Associate Director of the UK ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics, Cesagen, Lancaster University, UK

“GMO Myths and Truths is unquestionably the go-to source for up-to-date, scientifically rigorous evidence bearing on genetic modification. As a scientist, I applaud not simply the heavy reliance on refereed literature, but also the attention to organization and interpretation, which makes technical information accessible to the non-specialist.” – E. Ann Clark, PhD, Associate Professor (retired), Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Canada

“GMO Myths and Truths is a scientifically correct, honest, and accessible discussion of molecular biotechnology that demonstrates why corporate claims about the inherent safety of GMOs and their centrality in reducing world hunger are utter nonsense.” – Sheldon Krimsky, PhD, Professor, Tufts University, USA; co-editor, The GMO Deception

“The condensed and updated GMO Myths and Truths is a thoroughly researched, evidence-based synthesis of the latest information regarding the environmental and health consequences of genetically modified crops. Updated and adapted from the well-received GMO Myths and Truths, it refutes common myths surrounding the alleged safety and effectiveness of GMOs and explains, in highly readable fashion, the scientific truths regarding this risky technology. I have found it valuable in my teaching and policy work, and highly recommend it for scientists, policymakers, educators, students, and indeed all individuals concerned about the corporate commodification of the world’s food supply.” – Martin Donohoe, MD, FACP, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Community Health, Portland State University; Member, Social Justice Committee, Physicians for Social Responsibility; Member, Board of Advisors, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility; Senior Physician, Internal Medicine, Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center, USA

“This is an excellent and urgently needed scientific critique of GM crops.” – Carlo Leifert, Professor for Ecological Agriculture, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

“GMO Myths and Truths provides an unprecedented overview of the current situation regarding genetically modified food production and consumption. Topics covered include the genetic engineering process, the safety questions around GM foods, and agronomic and environmental problems during GM crop cultivation, including weed and pest resistance and the consequences of contamination. This book will prove extremely useful for scientists, policymakers and students. In addition, it will inform members of the public, activists, farmers, and consumers.” – Mohamed Habib, PhD, Full Professor, UNICAMP, Brazil

“GMO Myths and Truths is a comprehensive study of the myths and facts surrounding genetically modified foods and crops. It illuminates aspects of the topic that are commonly misunderstood. The issues are systematically explained and analyzed in simple language, which is nonetheless precise. I would recommend this book to postgraduate students of genetics as well as interested members of the public. I am confident that it will prove a success worldwide and within Brazil.”– Nagib Nassar, PhD (Genetics); Professor Emeritus, University of Brasilia, Brazil

“An opt-out clause used by the members of many governments is that they ‘will make no decisions unless backed by sound scientific evidence’. This blind faith in the honesty and integrity of all scientists has proved, repeatedly, to be based on false assumptions. Politicians often fail to recognize that scientists and manufacturers are, like the rest of us, human. They can fall prey to the same ambitions, to financial greed, to a hunger for prestige, and to manipulating their findings in order to satisfy these cravings, just like some in other walks of life. Politicians like black-and-white – there can be no shades of grey or room for doubt, and they leave little scope for scientists to admit that they don’t know, so those with integrity are caught in a cleft stick. Do they speak out and risk being pilloried by those in power, or do they quietly keep their heads down?

“Nowhere is the controversy greater than in the scientific research upon which the reputed safety of genetically modified organisms is founded. We should be extremely grateful to the authors of GMO Myths and Truths for having the courage to review the research and to tell the world of their findings.” – Margaret, Countess of Mar, former independent cross-bench member of the House of Lords of the UK Parliament and elected hereditary peer

About the Authors

Claire Robinson, MPhil is co-director of GMWatch, a public news and information service on genetically modified (GM) foods and crops and their associated pesticides.

Michael Antoniou, PhD is a Reader in Molecular Genetics and Head of the Gene Expression and Therapy Group, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, King’s College London School of Medicine, UK. He has 40 years’ experience of using genetic engineering technology, including genome-editing tools, in the investigation of gene organisation and control, with over 150 peer-reviewed publications. He holds inventor status on gene expression biotechnology patents. His discoveries in gene control mechanisms are being used for research as well as the development of diagnostic and therapeutic products for genetic disorders. Dr Antoniou has taken an active interest in the safety of GM crops and their associated pesticides. In recent years he has published papers demonstrating the non-equivalence of glyphosate-tolerant GM corn and non-GM corn and severe kidney and liver toxicity from chronic exposure to an ultra-low dose of Roundup.

Dr John Fagan is a leading authority on sustainability in the food and agricultural system, biosafety, and food safety and authenticity. He is a successful entrepreneur in the field of biotechnology, having founded, built and sold Global ID Group, a company that pioneered the development of innovative molecular biological tools to verify and advance food purity, safety, and sustainability. Dr Fagan is CEO and chief scientist of Health Research Institute, a non-profit research and service institution dedicated to understanding the links between food quality, diet, and health. HRI Labs applies cutting-edge analytical methods to understand the relationships between agricultural practices a nd the levels of micronutrients and synthetic residues present in crops.

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* Please note that monies from sales of the book do not go to GMWatch but to the authors of the book.