Calls for Romanian minister to be sacked
- Details
2.Agribiz Unions Negotiate the Contamination of Romanian Agriculture
EXTRACT: "Will Mr. Tabara be capable of representing the interests of Romanian farmers and consumers given his contractual connections to Monsanto -- the largest GMO producer in the world?" (item 1)
1.NGOs call for Romanian minister to be sacked for GM links
AFP, 6 September 2010
BUCHAREST ”” Over 70 environmental NGOs including the WWF called Monday for the sacking of Romania's new agriculture minister for his links to the genetically modified crop industry.
"The signatory organisations are calling on prime minister Emil Boc to sack Valeriu Tabara at once from any leading public position within the Ministry of Agriculture and appoint a new, objective minister", the non-governmental organisations said in a statement.
"Will Mr. Tabara be capable of representing the interests of Romanian farmers and consumers given his contractual connections to Monsanto -- the largest GMO producer in the world?" asked the NGOs.
They said genetically modified organisms "don't represent development in agriculture but rather a terrible risk which we should not take."
Tabara, who was appointed agriculture minister on Friday in a cabinet reshuffle, told the Romanian newspaper Evenimentul Zilei that he had indeed worked for Monsanto.
"There is nothing illegal or secret about this", he stressed.
Only two genetically modified crops have been approved for cultivation in the European Union, including Monsanto's genetically modified MON810 maize, which Romanian authorities have also approved.
2.Large Unions Negotiate the Contamination of Romanian Agriculture
Press Release, 1 September 2010
*No Genetically Modified Organisms in Our Fields!
The signers of this document wish to express worry about the fact that the large farming unions FNPAR[1] and AGROSTAR[2] have revealed that they are promoting genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Romanian agriculture. FNPAR and AGROSTAR are large unions which represent the interests of large agribusiness and the biotechnology industry in Romania.
FNPAR and AGROSTAR recently made a public call mobilizing Romanian farmers to participate in demonstrations which will take place in Bucharest on the second of September. In the official document[3] which states the list of demands of the two unions the seventh demand made is "The introduction of cultivation of genetically modified plants, especially genetically modified corn and soy."
Another supporter of the request, the Bio Romania Association[4], which initally signed the request proposed by FNPAR and AGROSTAR, has now disassocated itself publicly[5] from the pro-GMO position of these unions, because of what it represents in a legal and moral sense for organic agriculture in Romania. We feel that this change of position is a positive signal for small farmers. The Bio Romania Association has a responsibility to protect the interests of clean and organic agriculture, in which GMOs are strictly forbidden.
Proposals for sustainable agriculture
Romanian farmers face serious problems. Unhappiness with the actions of the governmental authorities is completely justified. However this must be reflected on in a correct way, with many factors being considered, including the needs of more than three million small farmers. Equitable subsidies which are not slanted towards large agriculturul producers and a ban on genetically modified organisms are principles which are needed for traditional and organic agriculture in our country and indeed, everywhere. Also, the negotiations of these unions on the problems of agriculture must be democratic, transparent and open to the needs of small farmers.
"As a small organic farmer, I feel directly threatened by the large unions, because they promote the interests of the biotechnology industry. If my corn becomes contaminated with genetically modified corn, I would lose my organic certification. In Romania the cultivators of genetically modified organisms can be counted on two hands. The fact is that these cultivators have succeeded in imposing their interests at the expense of the majority or farmers, putting organic agriculture in danger, with a complete lack of evidence of democracy. This is the moment when we, the small farmers have to act!" declares Willy Schuster, vice president of the Eco Ruralis Association.
"The agro-business lobby receives too much at the expense of small farmers. The future of Romanian agriculture can not be built except through small family farms which need equitable subsidies and thus an equal chance with the few large farmers which monopolize most of the market. In a world in which large farmers are favored from the start through huge subsidies, small farmers are condemned to disappear. We hope that on Thursday, as part of the actions in Bucharest, we can make the voice of the small farmers heard, and not only as a means to an end for large farmers to achieve their goals," declares Gabriel Gib, president of the farmers association COZIA.
"It has already been demonstrated that genetically modified organisms are not safe and that they do not bring economic benefits on the medium or long term. They are contrary to all of the principles of sustainable agriculture. If today we don't defend against GMO contamination, tomorrow we will not be able to talk about agriculture, only about genetic manipulation," says Ramona Dunimicioiou, president of the Genetically Modified Organisms Information Centre InfOMG.
For more information, please contact us:
Willy Schuster Vice President, Eco Ruralis in support of Romanian peasants
Phone/Fax: +40 264 599 204 / Mobile: +40 752 108 184
E-mail: / Web:
Gib Gabriel President, The Association of small farmers Fermierul Cozia
Phone: +40 250 750 770 / Fax: +40 350 814 742 / Mobile: +40 755 308 175
Ramona Duminicioiu President, The Genetically Modified Organisms Information Centre - InfOMG
Phone/Fax: +40 264 599 204 / Mobile: +40 746 337 022
E-mail: / Web:
This press release is signed by:
Eco Ruralis Association in support of organic and traditional peasants
The Genetically Modified Organisms Information Centre InfOMG
Organic Farmers Cooperative Biocoop
The Sustainable Hosman Association
The Farmers Association COZIA
The Ecologic Club of Transylvania
The Fair Trade Association Efectul Fluture
Centrul Independent pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor de Mediu CIDRM
Slow Food Turda Association
[1] The National Federation of Agricultural Producers in Romania - FNPAR
[2] The Federation of Unions from Agriculture, Food, Tobacco, and Connected Services AGROSTAR
[3] Official Document FNPAR and AGROSTAR, Page 1, point 7
[4] The Association of operators in Organic Agriculture Bio Romania
[5] Decision of BIO Romania