EXTRACT: The GM pig is a classic example of GM technology developed to solve a problem that already has one or more solutions.

NOTE: For more examples of this:

VIDEO: Genetically Modified Pig "Enviropig" shelved
Why a genetically modified pig is a waste of money
Lucy Sharratt 
Vancouver Sun, April 14 2012 

Re: Investing in a better pig is a good use of funds, Letters April 7

Robert Wager of Vancouver Island University says I need to "explain how creating a pig that produces far less phosphorus in its feces" was a waste of public funds. I am happy to.

There is already a simple technology, a hog feed supplement, that does exactly what the genetically modified (GM) pig called "Enviropig" promised to do, minus the controversy that threatened the domestic and international markets for Canadian pork.

Manitoba hog producers already use the feed supplement (phytase) to reduce the phosphorus content of pig feces, with manure management practices, to meet new pollution regulations. The supplement has increased in effectiveness over the years and, according to Ontario government research, is cost-neutral for farmers.

The GM pig is a classic example of GM technology developed to solve a problem that already has one or more solutions.

Public funds were used at the University of Guelph to develop the GM pig; then Health Canada resources are spent to review the safety of a GM pig consumers did not want and was thus a threat to our pork markets.

Lucy Sharratt
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network